How successful was the us policy of containment

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM132187282

The Contemporary World

Instructions: Choose one (1) of the following three (3) essay prompts. Answer the chosen prompts as thoroughly as possible using in-class lectures, textbook readings, and relevant outside knowledge. The essay should be between 2 and 5 pages long. Responses should be typed using 12-point Times New Roman font and double-spaced .

1. How successful was the U.S. policy of containment during the Cold War? Why was containment more effective in certain cases than others? Make sure to give examples of both positive and negative outcomes from the use of containment.

2. Compare and contrast civil disobedience, like protests, riots, revolutions in the United States, Canada and Western Europe with civil disobedience in the Soviet Bloc (Soviet Union, Eastern Europe). How were they similar? How were they different?

3, After WWII, many countries that had been colonies or hampered by economic imperialism gained independence (both political and economic) from Europe and North America. Compare and contrast two of these countries and their development after 1945. What challenges and problems did they face as postcolonial nations and how did they attempt to overcome them? How successful were they in overcoming these challenges? Why?

Reference no: EM132187282

Questions Cloud

What era is the story set in : History 115: What era is the story set in? Which historical figures, if any, are present in the story? What types of literary elements are present in the story?
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How hancock was ostensibly telling the story : Watch The Alamo (2004) directed by John Lee Hancock and starring Billy Bob Thornton and Dennis Quaid.
Review problem on the conflicts : Four different conflicts you have encountered. These conflicts can be work related. The presentation will consist of 5 slides and must have at least 1 academic.
How successful was the us policy of containment : History 1070: How successful was the U.S. policy of containment during the Cold War? Why was containment more effective in certain cases than others
When was the term romanesque first coined : According to the Metropolitan Museum of Art essay, when was the term "Romanesque" first coined? (p. 2)
Faulting a consequence of the metamorphism : Did faulting play a role in the metamorphism, or is the faulting a consequence of the metamorphism?
Carbon in the atmosphere : There were 600 gigatons (106 tons) of carbon in the atmosphere in 1850. How many gigatons accumulated in the atmosphere each year due to human activity?
Discuss the relationship between masters and slaves : Compare the economic policies of the American System with those of Alexander Hamilton. What was similar? What was different?


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