Reference no: EM133649831
Project Description
The use of digital media has transformed how companies communicate with their customers. The use of the websites, YouTube, e-books, e-mail and various forms of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, and blogs has shaped current day communication strategies.
Project Requirements
Select a company that utilizes digital or social media to communicate with customers to complete Section 1.
Section I: Company Information
Provide the following information about the company you select:
Item A: What is the name of the company?
Item B: What year was the company established?
Item C: What is the company's goal or mission?
Item D: What products and services does the company offer or provide?
Item E: Provide the company website address (URL).
Item F: How many employees does the company employ?
Item G: Where is the company's headquarters located?
Item H: What are the company's most recent earnings?
Section II: Digital and Social Media Use
How does the company use Digital and Social Media to communicate with their customers?
Item A: List all of the digital and social media platforms the company uses to communicate with customers (including websites, YouTube, e-books, e-mail and various forms of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, and blogs).
Item B: Describe how the company uses EACH digital and social media listed in Item 1 above to achieve its goals or mission.
Section III: Analysis
Provide an example of how the company uses digital and/or social media to accomplish an objective (e.g. to address a serious public relations issue, promote a cause, market a product, achieve a strategic advantage by using Big Data, or promote an event).
Item A: Describe the situation or example in detail.
Item B: How successful was the company in accomplishing the objective? Support your answer with reference (s).
Item C: List one thing the company could have done better to accomplish their objective. Be sure to focus on the use of digital or social media here.
Item D: If you decide to discuss the company's use of Big Data to achieve a strategic advantage, does their use of Big Data concern you as a potential customer? Why or why not?