How successful was progressive in implementing their reforms

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM13748353

Review the Progressive Movement of the first two decades of the twentieth century, and generalize what you take to be its core principles. What were the specific economic, social, and political problems that the Progressives sought to address and how did they approach these issues at the local and national levels? How successful were Progressives in implementing their reforms? Describe the variations within Progressivism, including the differing agendas of white and black Progressives. Assess the success of specific Progressive policies and approaches. Consider the impact of the First World War on Progressivism, and vice versa.

Before answering the questions above, reflect upon the following questions (use the following questions to guide your research):

What, in your opinion, were the key principles of the Progressive Movement?

In your opinion,what were Progressivism's most significant successes and failings?

Can the First World War be regarded as a particularly Progressive conflict, or did it derail the Progressive Movement-or are both of these statements true?

Reference no: EM13748353

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