How successful has the federal government

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Reference no: EM133723539

Question 1. How successful has the federal government been in eliminating racism? What has it done? What can it do? What should it do?

Question 2 Is there a double standard in U.S. foreign policy? Do American leaders have one set of rules for allies and another for enemies and everyone else? If they do, what might their reasons be? And are those reasons valid? Give examples.

Question 3. It appears that politicians sometimes have to choose between one good and another. Franklin Delano Roosevelt apparently decided that economic reform during the Great Depression was more important than combating racism. Why did he make such a decision? And was he correct to do so? Was there another way?

Question 4. Both Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan were Republican presidents but their policies were for the most part very different. Why? Describe the differences and similarities, if any, and how they relate to the rise of conservatism in post-World War II America.

Question 5. Bill Clinton was a liberal Democrat and George W. Bush a conservative Republican. How did their policies differ? How were they similar? And, given the attacks of September 11, 2001, to what degree were they simply a product of differing circumstances?

Question 6. Should the civil rights movement in the twentieth century be considered a "Second Reconstruction"? Compare and contrast the movement with Reconstruction and discuss the outcomes of both.

Question 7. Compare and contrast the New Deal and the Great Society. What were their stated goals? What were the different approaches the FDR and LBJ administrations took in attacking poverty?

Question 8. Is it fair to characterize the contemporary period (from the 1980s to the present) as a "Second Gilded Age"? Consider political, economic, and social factors in your response.

Question 9. In 2016, Republican Donald Trump's presidential campaign was described by many as populist in that he appealed for support from "the people" as opposed to "the elite." Were Trump's subsequent actions as president consistent with this populist description? Or did he turn out to be more of a traditional Republican after all? Discuss how his policies, including those on immigration border security and taxation, reflected or contrasted with his campaign promises.

Reference no: EM133723539

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