How stress can have affect on cardiovasular disease

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Reference no: EM131032697

Independent research project. An important objective of this course is to enhance your ability tointerpret, evaluate and synthesize the research literature on mind-body processes that play a role inhealthy or unhealthy aging. Thus, you will be asked to complete an independent research paper onthe links between a specific psychosocial factor and a specific disease or health condition, as well asthe role of aging in the selected mind-disease link. You will also be asked to provide a brief oralpresentation of your project at the end of the semester and to complete a written paper ofapproximately 12-15 pages in length.

Specific instructions for the presentation and paper will beprovided in a separate document.Independent research project 35%Presentation (10%)Final paper (25%)Lecture:The future ofmind-bodymedicine andresearchReadings:Cacioppo, J. T., & Decety, J. (2011). Social neuroscience: challengesand opportunities in the study of complex behavior. In M. B. Miller &A. Kingstone (Eds.), Year in Cognitive Neuroscience (Vol. 1224, pp.162-173). Oxford: Blackwell Science Publications.Christakis, N. A., & Fowler, J. H. (2010). Social Network Sensors forEarly Detection of Contagious Outbreaks. PLoS ONE, 5(9).Cole, S. W. (2010). Elevating the perspective on human stressgenomics. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 35(7), 955-962.Eisenberger, N. I., Taylor, S. E., Gable, S. L., Hilmert, C. J., &Lieberman, M. D. (2007). Neural pathways link social support toattenuated neuroendocrine stress responses. Neuroimage, 35(4),1601-1612.

Sobject: (Stress + heart disease)My research project based on patients have stress & how stress can have affect on cardiovasular disease.And also What's the difference affects of stress and heart disease in young people and old people.Our knowledge:Stress can make;-increased heart rate & blood pressure.-disturbance of the digestive.

-Impact of stress hormones on immune processes corticosteniod suppresses immune system.

Reference no: EM131032697

Questions Cloud

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What substance particle has a neutral charge : How do we define matter? Can you think of anything that is NOT mateer? What does it mean for a substance to be a "pure substance?
Find the parametric equations for the given curves : Find the vector valued function describing the curves of intersection of the pairs of surfaces. Then draw the two surfaces together in the space provided. The parabaloid y = x^2 + z^2 and the parabolic cylinder z = x^2.
How stress can have affect on cardiovasular disease : My research project based on patients have stress & how stress can have affect on cardiovasular disease.And also What's the difference affects of stress and heart disease in young people and old people.Our knowledge:Stress can make;-increased hear..
Remove an entry or print an entry given the entry name : To facilitate implementation of the remove and retrieve methods, add a getter method to the Person class to return the key of the object.
What are the benefits of a network in a business : What are the benefits of a network in a business? Provide an example from your experience, an interview, or an article that describes a network topology and how it supported the business .
What was the population from which the sample was drawn : What was the population from which the sample was drawn? Why was this particular sample selected? What did the participants do- e.g. complete a survey, participate in an interview? What kind of research was this: Experimental? Correlational?
Write a paragraph explaining the con side of your selected : Write a paragraph, explaining the Pro side of your selected topic. Write a paragraph, explaining the Con side of your selected topic. Which side more closely aligns with your belief/feeling about the topic (Pro or Con)?


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