How staff can recognise and respond to the emotional states

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Reference no: EM132328468

TASK 1: Face to face meeting with the team members

Purpose of the assessment task

This assessment task is designed to evaluate your following skills and abilities:

  • Skill to identify and escalate the emotional strength and weaknesses and demonstrate flexibility and adaptability, while dealing with others.
  • Skill to develop emotional intelligence of others by providing opportunities, assisting them to understand effect of their behavior, encouraging them for self-management of emotions.
  • Skill to utilise the strength of workgroup members and encourage positive emotional workplace climate to maximize team outcomes.
  • Reading skills to collect, review, interpret/understand and analyse/review text-based business information from a range/number of sources.
  • Written and oral/speech communication skills to organise and deliver information to effectively communicate on developing and using emotional intelligence to a range of stakeholders/interested people.
  • Skill to work independently/freely as well as collaboratively/together to make decisions about developing and using emotional intelligence.
  • Skill to interact/cooperate with others using appropriate conventions/systems when communicating to, and consulting/discussing with stakeholders/interested parties.
  • Ability/skill to sequence/in order and schedule/plan activities and manage communication.
  • Skill to analyse relevant/appropriate information to identify scope/range of work, goals and objectives and to evaluate/review options/other choices.


You are thelger of the marketing department and supervise the marketing staff for Domain, which is a web-based online property business.

The company focuses on securing both commercial and residential tenants for landlords, also uniting landlords with suitable tenants.
The staff at the company all work an eight-hour day, from 9am till 5:30 pm, allowing 30 minutes for lunch. Jerry is the Team Leader of your team and is responsible for:

  • The supervision and mentoring of a marketing team of S people
  • Outgoing business calls to realtors, property managers and landlords
  • Arranging appointments for the field sales teams
  • Customer service enquires and incoming query resolution
  • Maintaining the customer contacts in the Customer Relationship management system

Jerry is 65 and has been working for the company for the past six years. Born and raised in Australia, Jerry has spent most of his life working in Sales or Retail. Jerry had planned to retire at the age of 60, but his circumstances have confined him to continue working. Jerry works constructively and is efficient in achieving beyond the required numbers for signing up landlords and tenants.

One of the team members Jerry supervises and is responsible for is Rahul, Rahul is Indian, 30 years old and has only been in Australia for no more than two years. His can speak English remarkably well, and he appears to be compatible with his co-workers, although he is mostly quiet. Rahul's work attendance has proven him to be reliable at work.

As the overall manager of the team, it has recently come to your attention that there is some apparent tension between Jerry and Rahul.

You have also noticed that Jerry frequently disregards Rahul's opinion and often his general existence. Also, you have seen Jerry often whispering with other workers, and you have a strong feeling it is about Rahul. It appears that Rahul's production is declining, and he is not generating to the requisite number of daily calls to gain sign-ups. It has also become apparent that Rahul has become more socially withdrawn and recently has not been hanging around the staff room during breaks nor does he attend social functions catered for staff.

As the Manager of the team, this is becoming increasingly stressful for you as the team's performance is consequently declining with targets not being met. The conflict within the team appears to be affecting other staff members by influencing to take sides within the team. News has travelled through another staff member that Rahui feels like Jerry is racist. Jerry complains that he is unable to understand Rahul's accents, and feels that Rahul doesn't exhibit enough enthusiasm towards his work.

You decide it is best to resolve the current situation by arranging a face-to-face meeting to allow Jerry and Rahul to understand each other's perspectives, helping them to regulate their emotions in the workplace. At present, there are no viable options to relocate either team member to another team or department.

Your Task to be completed:

Based on the scenario above, you will need to arrange a face to face meeting with Jerry and Rahul, The role of Jerry will be played by your trainer/assessor. The role of Rahul will be allocated by the trainer/assessor to another student in the class. At the conclusion of the scenario, each student will switch with the other students to ensure everyone experiences each role fully.

If there is an insufficient number of students, the trainer will assume multiple roles for the scenario, rotating roles at the conclusion of each exercise. If the student is required to participate in multiple roles for the exercise, they will also switch after each round, of the role play scenario.

During the face to face meeting with Jerry and Rahul, you will need to do the following:

Start the meeting by positively explaining the reason for the meeting.

Provide them the opportunity to express their thoughts and emotions.

Ask Jerry the following:

Reasons for the conflict.

Possible range of emotions that he could be feeling

Ask Rahul the following:

Reasons for the conflict.

Possible-range-of-emotions--that he-eould-be-feeling

Analyse the reasons for conflict,

Model your workplace behaviour to handle the situation.

Identify and explain them the impact this situation can have on the workplace and the team members.

Explain Jerry the cultural differences in emotions (Research differences between Australian and Indian expressions of emotions)

Make sure that Jerry and Rahul can express their thoughts and feelings.

Resolve conflict.

Ask Jerry and Rahul to reflect on the effect of their behaviour and emotions.

Encourage the self-management of emotions in others,

Identify their weaknesses in emotional intelligence and encourage them to develop their emotional intelligence to build productive relationships and maximise workplace outcomes. Jerry will:

Explain that he sometimes feels frustrated that he still has to work when he wanted to retire at the age of 60.

Behave emotionally that the circumstances in his personal life are not good. Rahu1:

Rahul will explain that he feels disregarded from the behaviour of Jerry towards him.

This is affecting his performance at the work place

TASK 2: Interactive presentation on emotional intelligence


You have now decided that to stop the conflicts happening at workplace, you must develop emotional intelligence among the team members. To do so, you have decided to make them aware of the concepts of emotional intelligence.

Your Task to completed

This task required you to prepare a presentation. The presentation must discuss the following:

Impact that our behaviour and emotions can have on others and how to be flexible when dealing with others.

Explain how staff can recognise and respond to the emotional states of others in the workplace, with an appropriate example.

Demonstrate two (2) behaviours that could be used to manage emotions in the workplace, especially in instances where communication may be an issue.

Discuss two (2) instances of cultural differences in emotions and strategies that could be used to overcome these.

Outline the importance of emotional intelligence, by discussing the relationship between emotionally effective people and meeting organisational outcomes. Discuss three 3) strategies people can use to improve their emotional intelligence.

How to encourage a positive emotional culture in the workplace.

Provide an opportunity for others to express their feelings and thoughts about your presentation, as well as, how you could improve on it, in the future.

TASK 1: Role play on project execution


IMPORTANT: This task will require you to assume the role of Prefect Manager in United Waste Recycling Company from Assessment Task 2 and it is referring to the same project management

You are now the Project Manager and in charge of the approved Project Management Plan.

You had decided to sub-contract a part of this project which involved uploading the data of all the customers in the new CFM system. This being a laborious job, you had planned to get it done through a sub-contractor who had the required expertise to do it efficiently and effectively,

However, you had kept the data entry of the northern suburbs under your team in order to complete the uploading of date on time. You have now discovered that there is a lack of understanding of which suburbs are to be covered by the contractor and which ones are covered by your team and seven suburbs have not been covered.

You now have a problem at hand as it is a big task and it has been missed by both parties. You are required to immediately call a meeting and find a solution to the problem in order to achieve the outcomes on the desired dates. In the meeting, the team members roles and responsibilities need to be reviewed, to avoid a similar scenario happening in the future,

During the meeting conflict arises between both parties. They are both claiming that neither party were required to cover the missed suburbs. This is increasing the tension in the meeting room. To help clear the tension, you will need to revisit the tasks required of each party and for future tasks have a detailed specific layout so that each party understands their job. If they are unclear of tasks, encourage them to coordinate with yourself and each other.

The Trainer/ Assessor will act as the Sub-contractor and another student will act as your team member.

Task to be completed Task 1

You must resolve the conflict by gaining an understanding the concerns of each party. You must use your project management skills to resolve the issue by committing all decisions to meet long-term organisational objectives.

At the end of the meeting, you must ensure that the team members:
are clear about their respective roles and responsibilities
are clear about the expected quality of the expected outcomes and timelines to be met.

You must prepare minutes of meeting to record the outcome using the template below:

TASK 2: Managing Project Control


A few weeks have passed since the start of the execution of the project, and a review is conducted on the project status by the Project Manager.

It is found that the project initiation phase took 10% extra time than the expected time. This had happened because of delays in input from the Sales Department who wanted to have in-depth analysis before committing to the requirements.

To make up for the loss of time, the implementation stages of work was re-planned to do some of the work in parallel rather than in sequence, as planned. This will make up for the 8% loss in delay in the Initiation phase but will increase pressure on cash-flow and resource requirement.

The execution of the work was going smoothly and 50% of the work has been completed with some minor quality issues in which it was found that there was an error in 5% of the generated pamphlets. This was the result of the printing ink used which was of substandard quality.

During the meeting with the various stakeholders, it was pointed out that transportation contract for collecting the household waste has still not started and may lead to a 5% delay in the Project. The intended outcome of the project is to collect the household green waste in biodegradable plastic bags.

Since the costs incurred are due to a lack of plans and unclear timeframes, in the future the total cost over the period of the project needs to be broken down in stages_ The first initiation stage should cost 30% of the total cost, the implementation stage should cost close to 60% and finally the review stage should cost approximately 10%. If the actual total costs exceed the budget there will be a variance, and that will be unfavourable to the company.

You are the Project Manager for the project and you need to update the project documentation using template 4 for incorporating the progress and changes in the project.

Task to be completed - Task 2

You are now required to perform project control activities including the following:

PFQ3.2 List the project records that need to be checked for updates at required levels as per the project deliverables and plans.

P13.13.3 Make a status report on project progress and include the issues found. Perform the risk assessment due to the above conditions and submit report to your CEO (Trainer/Assessor) and other stakeholders in the project as well as delegated authorities (classmates can take these positions.

TASK 3: Project finalisation


The project is now successfully completed. It was delivered 14 days after the contractual delivery date largely due to the changes and the various problems encountered during the different stages of the project. The overall cost was 10% higher than budgeted, and thus a reason to revise the budget sections which caused the variance.

You are the Project Manager and you need to implement the transition of the staff involved in the project to new roles or to reassignment them to their previous roles. As the Project Manager you are also responsible of conducting the sign-offs of the official conclusion of the project, Other students will act as authority figures far the signatures.

Task to be completed Task 3

You need to perform the following project finalisation activities:

PR13.1 Compare the budgeted amount against the actual and prepare a report to submit to the CEO. Complete Template-5.

PRJ3.2 List any three (3) steps you will take to release the staff from the Project. Write the steps in tern plate-6

PRJ3.3 List any three typed of (3) project documentation you need to complete to sign-off the project. Write in template-6.

PRJ3.4 Review the project outcomes and compare with the original scope. Write in template-6, PRJ3.5 Discuss the project performance with the different stakeholders including: The Sub- contractor, a team member, the Sales Manager and the Marketing Manager. Prepare a list of lessons learned from this project that can be used in future projects using template-7.

TASK 3: Preparing a project plan


As per the discussion in the project kick-off meeting, the Project Manager must now prepare a Project plan and get it approved by the relevant stakeholders to establish common understanding.

Task to to be completed - Task 3

You must assume themselves as the Project Manager and prepare a Project plan as per the given template and get the signatures of the stakeholders (Trainer/Assessor and other students who participated in the rolep lay in Part B) in the spaces provided in the template.

Attachment:- Background Details.rar

Reference no: EM132328468

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