How software architecture department can support production

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM1366626

Explain how the Software Architecture Department will adhere to a code of ethics available for stakeholders. Elaborate the types of professional development that these professionals might pursue. Research issues and trends pertinent for the Software Architecture Department. Explain how the Software Architecture Department will adhere to a code of ethics available for stakeholders. Present ideas for the updated IT Systems functional area related to the Software Architecture Department that addresses these trends and issues for Zilack's business model (select two of the following topics). The Software Architecture Department focuses on the the software technology required to support the entire organization to assure the following:

1. Describes issues affecting the Software Architecture Department.
2. Explains new ideas for updating the Software Architecture Department.
3. Explains job titles, descriptions, and skills of Software Architecture Department employees.
4. Describes how Software Architecture Department can support production, inventory, sales, and marketing to assure Zilack can meet its business objectives. Examples are as follows:
A. Accounting and Financial operations for current and projected revenue and costs.
B. External sales and product information for company with an inventory control system and automated ordering processes and sales.
C. Human resource management to facilitate projected growth.
D. Production and operations for increased growth and profitability.
E. Web-hosted Internet B2B sales with customer support.
F. Hardware and software for 75 desktop systems supporting sales, marketing, inventory, and production.
G. System design, development, and implementation.
H. Production.
I. Inventory.
J. Web connectivity.
K. Other: please specify.

Perform research and place your compositions in the Composition section provided for this department after these instructions. Your composition should be two to three single-spaced pages. In addition, place your references in the Reference section and your executive summary in its section (provided for this department after these instructions).

Reference no: EM1366626

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