How should you deal with the problems

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Reference no: EM133621158

Discussion Post

Question A. What is (are) the hypothesis? You can either give me the "gist" of the study here or copy them from the researcher instructions for Study One.

Question B. Do you agree with the predictions? That is, do you expect something different than the hypothesis in the researcher instructions? If yes, what, and why? If no, justify why you think the predictions are inaccurate)?

Question C. Do you think this is a good, testable hypothesis (If not, what would be a better, more "testable" phrasing for the hypotheses)?

Question D. Do you see any ethical problems with this study? If so, how should you deal with those problems?

Question E. Finally, with your discussion group, assess your project, noting one thing different you would do if you had the chance to design a similar study on your own (Hint: You'll get the chance to build a follow-up study to this Psychological Reactance Theory study in a few weeks, so think about what you would do different right now and you may get the chance to follow through with that new study later in the semester!).

Reference no: EM133621158

Questions Cloud

Determine the grade you assigned : What were your concerns while grading the discussion post? What criteria were you looking for in order to determine the grade you assigned?
Vigoda-Gadot and Meisler argues : Vigoda-Gadot and Meisler (2010) argues that in our modern states and communities, the public sector becomes a place where the feelings and emotions
Issue management often involves documenting problem : Issue management often involves documenting the problem, assigning responsibility for resolution, and tracking progress
How are you becoming more familiar with documentation used : What stood out for you the most? How are you becoming more familiar with documentation used for services provided?
How should you deal with the problems : Do you think this is a good, testable hypothesis? Do you see any ethical problems with this study? If so, how should you deal with those problems?
Identify the four basic financial reports : Provide an outline of what a master budget is and what it contains. Identify the four basic financial reports and outline their purpose and content.
Create different types of technical communications : This course includes five short writing activities that will require you to create different types of technical communications.
Discuss notion of minimal risk when using human participants : want you all to discuss the notion of minimal risk when using human participants in social scientific research. If you have not settled on a topic.
Develop action plan implement the action plan : Define the problem Evaluate solutions Develop an action plan Implement the action plan.


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