How should we think about douglasss paradoxes

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Reference no: EM133401852

Question: How should we think about Douglass's paradoxes, and is ideological or argumentative consistency a civic virtue in democracy?

Please watch the video attached from 20:45 to 21:07 and connect it with the following excerpt from Frederick Douglass' "What Are the Colored People Doing for Themselves". Please also answer the question above. Please give a detailed explanation of the scene in the video and the connection between the scene from the video and the excerpt.

Also, please connect the video scene chosen to contemporary politics, please focus on a specific issue from today that can relate to what is being said throughout the excerpt and video from the scene chosen.

Frederick Douglass' What Are the Colored People Doing for Themselves Quote

"If there be one evil spirit among us, for the casting out of which we pray more earnestly than another, it is that lazy, mean, cowardly spirit, that robs us of all manly self-reliance, and teaches us to depend upon others for the accomplishment of that which we should achieve with our own hands. Our white friends can and are rapidly removing the barriers to our improvement, which themselves have set up; but the main work must be commenced, carried on, and concluded by ourselves. While in no circumstances should we undervalue or fail to appreciate the self-sacrificing efforts of our friends, it should never be lost sight of, that our destiny, for good or for evil, for time and for eternity, is, by an all-wise God, committed to us; and that all the helps or hindrances with which we way meet on earth, can never release us from this high and heaven-imposed responsibility. It is evident that we can be improved and elevated only just so fast and far as we shall improve and elevate ourselves. We must rise or fall, succeed or fail, by our own merits. If we are careless and unconcerned about our own rights and interests, it is not within the power of all the earth combined to raise us from our present degraded condition" (Douglass).

Reference no: EM133401852

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