How should the organization leadership support employees

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133452784


1. Define the audience by performing a target audience analysis. (slides 1-2)

2. Determine core and audience-specific communication objectives and messages, including appropriate tone. You may include the following information (slides 3-4):

a.) Discuss goals of the communications campaign. You may consider the following points:

- Why is this communication campaign needed?

- What are the essential topics to communicate to company leadership?

- What do front-line employees need to know as they experience and deal with the impact of change?

- How will you convey need and urgency for change? Discuss What's in It for Me (WIIFM).

- Use a story or a graphic to connect with the change vision for success to the communication plan.

b.) Define and communicate new performance expectations and what stakeholders need to do to prepare for change.

3. Recommend two workforce development techniques to support employees' adaptation to change and build on existing skills and strengths. Consider the following (slides 5-6):

a.) What do you want the employees of the U.S. branch to do differently?

b.) How should the organization's leadership support employees during the change, through training and development programs to address the gaps?

4. Determine and review the best delivery channels for each communication based on the target audience analysis. Select a minimum of three channels as part of a multi-prong communication strategy. you may include the following information (slides 7-8)

a. What would be the communication timeline for delivery of all messages? Create an outline.

b. How often will the branch's change initiators communicate with this audience?

c. Outline communication responsibilities and assignments. Who is responsible for leading communications with this audience?

d. Include your plan for a feedback loop to monitor and manage the communication campaign. (slides 9-10)

  • Determine metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the success of the communication campaign.
  • Outline how the metrics will be implemented and tracked through a feedback loop.

Reference no: EM133452784

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