How should the message of the gospel go forward

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133831887


Discussion Prompt: The New Christian

Review the Biblical Perspective passages from this session.

Watch The Next Christians Part 1 video before completing the assignment:

Gabe Lyons: The Next Christians Part 1

Overview: According to Gabe Lyons, "The Christian faith is at risk of losing significant traction throughout Western culture" (Lyons, 2010). Lyons is co-author of the best-selling book unChristian and a partner with the Barna Research Group. According to Lyons, Christians-while called to illuminate Christlikeness, being holy, righteous, and justified through Christ's shedding of His blood for us on the Cross-are very likely unaware that others view us as being not only hypocritical but much worse: self-righteous, judgmental, and demeaning. Lyons and the Barna Group are optimistic that Christians can change that image through the example set in 1 Corinthians 13: faith, hope, and love. It starts with humility and exemplary behavior that demonstrates what it means to truly follow Jesus. The question is, "How?"

Gabe Lyons goes on to ask the following questions:

  1. What is the church's mission in America in the twenty-first century?
  2. How should the message of the gospel go forward?
  3. What does it mean to be a Christian in a world disenchanted with our movement?
  4. Can we stay grounded in the gospel, yet winsome and credible to wider society?

As we all seek to understand purpose and meaning, we must also understand that we, as part of the zeitgeist (spirit of the time), are responsible for co-creating the context in which we live our lives and establishing the relationship between Christians and culture as a whole. Lyons advocates diversity and tolerance and suggests new ways for how a new generation might navigate our current cultural waters.

Instructions: Is this really an effort to connect with people who are disenchanted with the church, or is it an attempt to dilute the true message of the Bible? Please respond to one or more of the following questions with a "pithy" post that is no more than one to two paragraphs in length.

  1. How has the Body of Christ changed over the last 2,000 years?
  2. Lyons suggests more changes in the Body of Christ. Is this a message of restoration and renewal of the Spirit, or more a message of change to accommodate the spirit of the time and place?
  3. In this session, we are studying culture change and team building. How did the first Christians handle this paradox, and how it is relevant today?

Reference no: EM133831887

Questions Cloud

What is the classical documentary hypothesis : What is the Classical Documentary hypothesis? What are the details of this hypothesis? What evidence supports it (be specific)?
Concepts of brahman-atman : Write about the intro to the concepts of Brahman-atman, the definition of Brahman- atman and exploring various ways and dialogues that surround the idea.
Compare religious orientations of deuteronomy-leviticus : Compare and contrast the basic religious orientations of Deuteronomy and Leviticus. What is each ones essential starting point?
Characterize relationships between spouses in this material : How would you characterize the relationships between spouses in this material? What significance might this have for ancient Israel's understanding of family?
How should the message of the gospel go forward : What is the church's mission in America in the twenty-first century? How should the message of the gospel go forward?
How will plan strengthen fellowship-nature spiritual growth : How will your plan strengthen fellowship, nature spiritual growth, inspire worship and promote mission among the youth?
Describe the church as the body of christ : What did Paul mean when he described the Church as the Body of Christ?
Why did paul write the letter to the galatians : Why did Paul write the letter to the Galatians? What did they teach that conflicted with Paul's message?
What does the kenotic hymn in the letter praise christ for : What does the Kenotic Hymn in the letter praise Christ for? What two great Christian mysteries are spelled out in the hymn?


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