How should the issue of medical record distribution

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Reference no: EM133544102


Rebecca was recently discharged from AIU Regional Hospital and would like a copy of her medical records. She has made multiple telephone calls to the Medical Records Department asking for the records. She has decided to stop by the hospital to request a copy of the records, but the department will not release them.

  • Interpret the laws and regulations related to medical record release and ownership and provide a recommendation for managing this issue.
  • In your opinion, who owns the medical record and how should the issue of medical record distribution, retention, and destruction be managed?

Reference no: EM133544102

Questions Cloud

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How should the issue of medical record distribution : In your opinion, who owns the medical record and how should the issue of medical record distribution, retention, and destruction be managed?
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What is the greatest healthcare need in your community : What is the greatest healthcare need in your community, and what policy could you implement to address the need?


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