How should human resource management deal with the issues

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131523528

In this assessment, you will need to use your consultative skills to identify the issues, relate those issues to HRM practices, and develop a plan to ensure the issues are managed. Your intention will be to reduce or prevent future issues.

Your task:

You are an International Human Resource Management (HRM) Consultant. You have been given a contract to go into the organisation and it will be your responsibility to respond to the following three questions:

1. As an International Human Resource Management Consultant what are the issues at Flextronics? In this question you need to explain what the issues are in the case study.

2. How should Human Resource Management deal with the issues in the case? You need to explain how HRM should ensure the issues are not repeated, taking into consideration the international environment.

3. What is your plan to present to Flextronics? You need to make a solid recommendation to the company and present them with an implementation plan to eliminate the issues.

Write short report style answers to these three questions, remembering to cite and correctly reference your sources. DO NOT USE DOT POINTS.

Suggestions for a possible structure of this report

1. Introduction should include case study issues and context, purpose of this report, scope of this report, limitations of this report, organisation/order of this report (what this report will include?)

2. Identification and critical discussion of the issues in the case study. Problem identification and analysis. This section should include case study issues and should be supported with references/literature. You should link issues identified and literature mention about it. Please be aware that references should be beyond 2007. Your level of interpretative and analytical ability to critically analyse this literature is expected in this second section. (An exercise for critical analysis is attached).

3. Possible solutions should be supported with references and your level of critical analysis is also expected in this third section. How to overcome the highlighted issues

4. Conclusions should summarise key points of this report

5. Recommendations for effective solutions relative to identified issues

6. Implementation plan can include activity explanation, duration, possible budget, resources)

7. References list should be beyond 2006 and minimum 15 journal articles, they should be in alphabetical order, do not use dot points or numbers).

General suggestions:

1. A paragraph should have minimum 6 sentences. One sentence paragraphs are ineffective.

2. Every paragraph should be supported with a number of references.

3. Avoid direct quotes. A well written piece of work will be paraphrased.

4. Avoid text matching by paraphrasing what you read.

5. Any text matching (other than the reference list) will not be counted in the marking so make sure you paraphrase your work.

6. Check Turnitin and if you have any text matching ensure you paraphrase your work.

7. When a paragraph has one author this constitutes an annotated bibliography. This level of writing is descriptive and basic.

8. Presentation, format, clarity, proof reading of this report are important to be considered.

9. Executive summary is not needed for this short report.

10. Please refer criteria rubric as your close guideline to meet all criteria for this A3.

Attachment:- Case - study.rar

Verified Expert

A case study was provided and a report had to be written on the case study. Questions were given along with a desired structure which was followed to complete the solution. The case study was about an organization being affected by HR issues. Suitable recommendations were provided along with an implementation plan.

Reference no: EM131523528

Questions Cloud

Team-building process do close relationships develop : At which stage of a group- or team-building process do close relationships develop, giving rise to unity?
List the project team members and stakeholders : List the project team members and stakeholders (at least 4) that can be utilized to assist in identifying risks.
The basic approach used in the study : Identify which case you found to be most useful and summarize all of your findings in a two-page APA formatted paper.
Discuss the model fitted without a constant terms : Regress y = (2, 1, 0) on X = (0, 1, 2) without a constant term, and calculate the residuals. Refit the model with a constant term, and calculate the residuals.
How should human resource management deal with the issues : How should Human Resource Management deal with the issues in the case? You need to explain how HRM should ensure the issues
Describe the assessment you used to analyze your skills : Describe the assessment you used to analyze your skills. Discuss your communication gaps
Best risk response for some given situations : The discussion assignment for this week will be to determine what may be the best risk response for some given situations.
Discuss the concept of the cigconsumpw dataset : Using the cigconsumpW dataset (in long format compute 4 year, moving window averages of pack for each state with mason.
Compare and contrast the two companies : Compare and contrast the two companies in terms of their use of business analytics to improve their position in the industry



6/9/2017 1:38:20 AM

In this assessment, you will need to use your consultative skills to identify the issues, relate those issues to HRM practices, and develop a plan to ensure the issues are managed. Your intention will be to reduce or prevent future issues. 1. A paragraph should have minimum 6 sentences. One sentence paragraphs are ineffective. 2. Every paragraph should be supported with a number of references. 3. Avoid direct quotes. A well written piece of work will be paraphrased. 4. Avoid text matching by paraphrasing what you read. 5. Any text matching (other than the reference list) will not be counted in the marking so make sure you paraphrase your work.

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