How should christians view world history

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Reference no: EM133611713



Greek historians from Herodotus to Polybius viewed historical events as being cyclical in nature. This was the cyclical conception of historical events and empires: which also included a belief in alternating Dark and Golden Ages. Secular cultures within Western Culture followed this view of History (history creates itself and eventually repeats itself-forever). Christianity in its View of God and history, follows a linear view of past events, believing that God is in control of the universe and follows a plan.

Review the 2 read items found in the Learn section of Module 2: Week 2 titled "Read: Understanding the Day of the Lord, Part 1" and "Read: How Should Christians View World History?" After you have read these papers, please address the following: How would you describe the differences between the Early Greeks' cyclical view of history versus the Christians' Linear view of history? Use your own words as much as possible. You do not need to do extensive research or reading to complete this assignment well.

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Reference no: EM133611713

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