?how should a coder have prepared for the interview

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133338990


About the Case

The interview is an important tool for any hiring supervisor. The selection of a coder is especially important since the coder's work directly controls the reimbursement received by the facility. In this scenario, a current employee wants to move into coding. This is not unusual. Coding seems to be the Holy Grail of the HIM department. Everyone wants to be a coder because of the money and stature of the position. The HIM director agrees to work with the employee to groom him/her for the position. While not all hospitals are willing to spend a lot of time training coders, many will, especially when they are desperate for coders. With the shortage of qualified coders, some hospitals get creative in their recruitment and training practices.

Case Discussion

1. ?How should a coder have prepared for the interview?

2. ?What can the HIM director do to help someone prepare to move into coding?

Reference no: EM133338990

Questions Cloud

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Discuss significant grease on the wheels of performance : However, do you also consider communication timeliness as a significant "grease' on the "wheels" of performance?
?how should a coder have prepared for the interview : How should a coder have prepared for the interview? What can the HIM director do to help someone prepare to move into coding?
How is the case impacting public perception : How is the case impacting public perception (as identified in media review)? What is your reaction to this case as a citizen? current/future public employee?
Identify key issues currently facing the organisation : Your group is asked to identify approximately the key challenge(s) or issue(s) currently facing the organisation.
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