How serious is a collision

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133535852


Since 2004, security researchers theorized that SHA-1 would be vulnerable to a collision attack in which the same digest from two different plaintexts could be created. In early 2017, security researchers decisively demonstrated that SHA-1 could create a collision from two separate documents. However, this attack was limited, and it was estimated it would cost attackers from $110,000 to $560,000 on Amazon's Web Services (AWS) to carry it out. In early 2020, researchers unveiled a new attack on SHA-1 that was even more powerful. The new collision attack gives attackers more options and flexibility to produce the same digest for two or more data sets simply by appending data to each of sets.

This attack cost as little as $45,000 to carry out. This compromise of SHA-1 has rendered it no longer suitable for use. How did the researchers do it? Visit the website Shattered ( to find information about how SHA-1 was breached in 2017. Read the Q&A section and view the infographic. Try dragging one of your files to the File Tester to see if it is part of the collision attack. What did you learn? How serious is a collision? What is the impact? Now do conduct research on the 2020 SHA-1 attack.

Reference no: EM133535852

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