How sensitive are your customers to changes in price

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133292741


Product: Adidas

Part 1: Pricing Strategy

Briefly describe pricing for your product or service. How does this compare to competitors, assuming competitors are at or near break-even point with their pricing? Analyze pricing alternatives and make recommendations about pricing going forward based on the following:

  1. How sensitive are your customers to changes in price?
  2. What revenue you need to break even and achieve profitability?
  3. What does the price says about your product in terms of value, quality, prestige, etc.?

Reference no: EM133292741

Questions Cloud

Importance of its application in an organization : Introduction (define business ethics and the importance of its application in an organization. Explain the ethical issue you will discuss).
How does managing globally distributed teams : How does managing globally distributed teams impact International Business?
Why does atikameksheng deserve compensation : Does Atikameksheng deserve compensation? Why or why not? If Atikameksheng does deserve compensation, whose responsibility is it to pay?
Define globalization of production : Define globalization of production and summarize two benefits a company might obtain from the globalization of production.
How sensitive are your customers to changes in price : How sensitive are your customers to changes in price? What revenue you need to break even and achieve profitability?
Establish a fruit processing plant : Fruity Company Limited (FCL) proposes to establish a fruit processing plant in Eastern Province of Zambia to process five tonnes per month of various fruits.
How will it support the firms social impact strategy : Why should the company invest in your initiative? How will it support the firm's social impact strategy?
Conducting an orientation program : Your childcare centre is conducting an orientation program to help the children develop a secure attachment to the centre.
What revenue you need to break even-achieve profitability : How sensitive are your customers to changes in price? What revenue you need to break even and achieve profitability?


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