Reference no: EM13988459
OBJECTIVES: Students will analyze the film of their choice using Interpersonal Communication concepts to broaden their understanding of the area of communication and demonstrate their understanding of the key concepts and terms learned in this section of communication.
1. Choose a film to analyze.The film should focus on at least one Interpersonal Relationship. Films such as "The Notebook", "Hitch" and "(500) Days of Summer" are excellent choices. (You may not choose these films.)You may choose a television show which you have followed closely, but remember that you need specific (and detailed) examples from the film or show you choose.
2. Once your film is confirmed, review the questions below (also in this document) and take notes on your film.I recommend reviewing the questions and taking any notes that you think might relate to the questions. Then using your notes, answer the questions and review the film again to get specific examples and clarify your ideas.
3. In a separate document, answer the following questions about ONE of the relationships as performed in the film you have chosen for this assignment.
Use key concepts, theories and examples from our discussions "in class" to support your answers.You should also use specific examples from the film to support your use of key concepts and terms. And you should also include any Learning Materials that have been used so far in class to explain your answers.
You should use citations (APA is preferred, but MLA is also accepted) for anything that is paraphrased or quoted from the film and Learning Materials.You may also prefer to highlight key terms from the textbook by making them bold or italicized.
Your answers should be typed, double-spaced and labeled with their corresponding number.
1. What makes the relationship you have chosen to focus on an interpersonal one?
2. Using the Stages of Knapp's Relational Development, outline the relationship you have chosen to focus on from your film, including turning points and movement up and down in relational escalation.
3. Using either Social Penetration Theory or the Johari Window Model, draw a model for each person in the relationship for that relationship at at least two different stages of their relationship (a total of four models).
4. Explain how self-disclosure affected the relationship throughout the film. You might consider bringing in ideas of self and culture when answering this question.
5. (You may use any relationship from the film to discuss this question.) What types of relational intimacy is used in the relationship? (Discuss at least two different dimensions.)
6. Because films are built on stories, which are built on key conflicts there was likely one in the film you chose. What was the failure event that caused the conflict? Was it due to Expectancy Violation Theory? Explain why either way.
7. Identify and describe the communication climate that reflects their relationship when the biggest conflict occurs.
8. What set (or sets) of opposing forces (Dialectical Tensions) were demonstrated in the relationship? Did these, in any way, contribute to the failure event?
9. Identify the style of expressing conflict and method for conflict resolution for each character in the relationship.
10. If you were to help the couple in the film become better communicators (maybe resolve their conflict earlier in the film, for example) what communication competence skills would you recommend?