How robert might perceive the office assistant reaction

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Reference no: EM132599701

Assignment: Answer the prompts after each scenario. Open a new Microsoft Word document and provide your answers for all three scenarios on it. Do not include the given scenarios or instructions on your new document that you will submit; only your answers please. Each of the three scenario responses should be 175 to 260 words.

Scenario 1: Justin is a front-office assistant at a local physician's office. On a busy day at the office, Justin is consumed by patients and their needs. While helping a patient, Sarah, the other front-office assistant, calls Justin over to answer questions regarding the patient intake process. Justin explains the process to Sarah and then continues to work with the patient at his window. Later that day, Justin reflects on the situation and is frustrated that he had to stop working with his patient to explain a process to Sarah that he has already explained a dozen times. Justin takes to social media to express his frustrations with Sarah and her inability to take care of patients properly even though she has been trained.

Write a 175- to 260-word response to the following prompts:

• Explain how Sarah might perceive Justin's actions.

• Explain the ramifications of using social media as an outlet for voicing frustrations about a co-worker.

• Provide an example of a more effective communication method to use in this situation.

Scenario 2: Jana works in a long-term care facility that cares for all types of patients. She receives emails from multiple co-workers throughout the day, and today she receives the following email from Sean:

"Hi Jana,

I noticed that I DIDN'T receive your monthly report yesterday. I NEED to get it as soon as possible TODAY so that I can finish the final report.

Thanks, Sean"

Write a 175- to 260-word response to the following prompts:

• Explain how Jana might perceive the tone of this email.

• Describe whether you perceive Sean's tone to be appropriate or inappropriate.

• Provide an example of a more effective communication method to use in this situation.

Scenario 3: Robert is an older patient checking in at the window of his local retail health clinic. The office assistant is taking Robert's insurance card and asking a couple of follow-up questions. Robert asks the assistant to speak up because of some background noise. The assistant starts speaking slower and enunciates her words instead of speaking louder.

Write a 175- to 260-word response to the following prompts:

• Explain how Robert might perceive the office assistant's reaction.

• Explain the ramifications of communicating with patients in this manner.

• Provide an example of a more effective communication method to use in this situation.

Cite any references to support your assignment.

Reference no: EM132599701

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