How risky is your company

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131568636

Assessment Description

You are required to read the following journal article:

1. How Risky is Your Company?

You are also required to read a fictional case study based on the operations of a rapidly growing investments seminar company that will be provided to you in class and via email.

You must then prepare a risk assessment report on the investments seminar company using the Risk Exposure Calculator and specifically address:

A. Pressure points due to growth
i) pressure for performance
ii) rate of expansion
iii) inexperience of key employees

B. Pressure points due to culture
i) rewards for entrepreneurial risk taking
ii) executive resistance to bad news
iii) level of internal competition

C. Pressure points due to information management
i) transaction complexity and velocity
ii) gaps in diagnostic performance
iii) degree of decentralised decision making

How Risky Is Your Company by Robert Simons

View the Risk Exposure Calculator.

Verified Expert

The first pressure point due to growth, which a business enterprise can face, is pressure for performance and the second pressure point due to growth is the level of expansion in the operations. However, the third pressure point due to growth can be brought by inexperience as well as efficiency of the employees.

Reference no: EM131568636

Questions Cloud

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How risky is your company : MBA402 - Governance, Ethics and Sustainability - read a fictional case study based on the operations of a rapidly growing investments seminar company
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Creation of emr standards : State three (3) reasons why you believe government should or should not be involved with EMR standards. Justify your response.



8/12/2017 4:47:45 AM

Dear CustomerCare/Expert, Really welcome the exertion, whatever i can state is truly effective and take into account our necessities!! Praise!! Certainly I'll be back.


8/12/2017 4:45:42 AM

hello, it doesn't need the case study. You can send me just the assessment, please Message: references in harvard format sorry, here is attached the case study. 24410793_1case study1.docx i just got your message. Tks a lot, unfortunately i have to submit till today 11:59 pm here in australia ( now it is 4 pm) tsk a lot


7/18/2017 4:37:51 AM

In-text referencing and reference list follows Harvard style and consistent with KBS guidelines Inappropriate referencing. Not in-line with requirements of Harvard style and consistent with KBS guidelines. Reasonably appropriate referencing, generally in-line with requirements of Harvard style and consistent with KBS guidelines. Good referencing, largely in- line with requirements of Harvard style and consistent with KBS guidelines. Very good referencing, 100% in-line with requirements of Harvard style and consistent with KBS guidelines. Excellent/appropriate referencing, 100% in-line with requirements of Harvard style and consistent with KBS guidelines. /3 Word count is within + / - 10% of requirement Word count is within + / - more than 15% of requirement Word count is within + / - 15% of requirement Word count is within + / - 10% of requirement Word count is within + / - 5% of requirement Word count is within + / - 0% of requirement /2


7/18/2017 4:37:33 AM

Appropriate theory and research used to answer question posed The critique does not have appropriate structure and lacks direction. No significant observations made from appropriate theory and research. Poor writing and expression of arguments. Reasonable critique which examines the relevant issues and makes reasonable observations made from appropriate theory and research. Reasonable writing and expression of arguments. Good critique examines the relevant issues and makes good observations from appropriate theory and research. Good writing and expression of arguments. A very good critique considered all the relevant issues and made important observations made from appropriate theory and research. Very good writing and expression of arguments. Fully considered all the relevant issues and made significant observations made from appropriate theory and research. Excellent writing and expression of arguments. /4


7/18/2017 4:37:17 AM

Answer clearly and logically presented Serious lack of organization. Body paragraphs do not refer back to or relate to main arguments. Writing is formulaic, i.e. “in conclusion,” “another example is….” Writing style could be more effective. Organization is hard to follow; there is little progression of ideas. Little or no transitions between paragraphs. Need to more effectively weave main arguments throughout and relate body paragraphs. Paragraphs are generally well organized. Better transitions needed. The progression of ideas could be more thoughtful. Paragraphs relate back to main arguments to prove argument. Ideas & arguments are well structured. Thoughtful progression of ideas and details. Sound transitions between paragraphs. Major arguments are effectively made. Ideas & arguments are effectively structured. Thoughtful progression of ideas and details. Excellent transitions between paragraphs. Concluding comments leave the reader thinking. Major arguments are effectively woven throughout everybody paragraph, with ideas always related back to main arguments. /4


7/18/2017 4:36:57 AM

Risk Assessment Report includes comprehensive explanation of pressure points. The company’s level of pressure is accurately gauged using the Risk Exposure Calculator with a further discussion of the overall zone of risk the company falls into and measures the company could take to mitigate identified risks.


7/18/2017 4:36:53 AM

Pressure Points Information management Risk Assessment Report does not adequately explain the kinds of pressure points due to information management or gauge the company’s level of pressure. The Risk Exposure Calculator is not used or is used in a manner that indicates its purpose has been misunderstood. Pressure points due to information management are sufficiently explained. The company’s level of pressure is gauged using the Risk Exposure Calculator but more detail is required to illustrate the link between the pressure point and the risk to the company. Risk Assessment Report includes discussion of pressure points supported by logical explanation. The Risk Exposure Calculator is accurately used to demonstrate the level of risk to the company. Pressure points due to information management are explained in detail. The company’s level of pressure is accurately gauged using the Risk Exposure Calculator with a further discussion of the overall zone of risk the company falls into.


7/18/2017 4:36:32 AM

Pressure Points Culture Pressure points due to culture are not adequately explained. The Risk Assessment Report does not gauge the company’s level of pressure. The Risk Exposure Calculator is not used or is used in a manner that indicates its purpose has been misunderstood. Risk Assessment Report includes discussion of pressure points due to culture together with sufficient explanation. Company risk levels are gauged using the Risk Exposure Calculator but further commentary is necessary to demonstrate relationship between indicator and risk level. Cultural pressure points are logically explained and correctly identified. The company’s risk exposure to pressure points due to culture is also accurately identified using the Risk Exposure Calculator. Risk Assessment Report includes detailed explanation of pressure points due to culture. Company risk levels are gauged using the Risk Exposure Calculator with additional consideration of company’s overall zone of risk.


7/18/2017 4:36:07 AM

Criteria HD (High Distinction) 85%-100% Assessment Content (Subject Specific) OUT OF 80 MARKS Risk Assessment Report includes comprehensive explanation of pressure points. The company’s level of pressure is accurately gauged using the Risk Exposure Calculator with a further discussion of the overall zone of risk the company falls into and measures the company could take to mitigate identified risks.


7/18/2017 4:35:40 AM

references in harvard format Ensure you click on the ‘Read More’ link to view the Risk Exposure Calculator. How Risky Is Your Company by Robert Simons

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