Reference no: EM131266992
DISCUSSION -"Defining "Classical";
"Defining "Classical"; Visual or Literal Early Abolitionist Art and Literature" Please respond to one (1)of the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:
Listen to one (1) composition (for a symphony) by Haydn or Mozart, either at the Websites below or in this week's Music Folder. Identify the work that you have chosen, and describe the way in which the composition expresses the specific qualities of the Classical music style: Use the key terms from the textbook that are related to that particular music style, and explain what you like or admire about the work. Compare it to a specific modern musical work for which you might use the term "classic" or "classical"
Compare Neoclassicism and Rococo as styles and sensibilities. What do their differences reflect about patronage, popular taste, and historical change? And how can you relate either style to today's popular taste (or not)?
The United States' Declaration of Independence, written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, is one of the most influential documents in modern history, helping to inspire mass movements and revolutionary upheavals in America and abroad. Analyze the Declaration as a literary work.
What does Jefferson's diction suggest about the American Revolution as a product of the Enlightenment? What does it suggest about how "revolutionary" the American Revolution was then? And how can you relate it to today?
Explain whether you think an autobiographical or fictional account by a slave such as Phillis Wheatley and Olaudah Equiano, is more persuasive than a biographical or fictional account by a white author such as John Gabriel Stedman or Aphra Behn. In your explanations, use specific examples and consider both audience and the content and nature of the work. Identify a literary form example in modern times that you think is most effective at depicting injustice and why.
Explain whether you believe the representations of slavery in the visual arts such as William Blake's illustrations, William Hackwood's cameo, or John Singleton Copley's painting were more compelling and convincing of the injustices of slavery than the literary representations already mentioned above. In your explanations, use specific examples and consider both audience and the content and nature of the work. Identify an art form example in modern times that you think is most effective at depicting injustice and why.
Classical Music
Chapter 25 (pp. 826-832), classical style described; examples; review the Week 3 "Music Folder"
Haydn at and
Mozart at and
Early Abolitionist Art & Literature
Chapter 26 (pp. 870-2): Equiano, Stedman, Wheatley, Behn; Chapter 26 (pp. 877-879): Equiano and Behn
Wheatley at
Chapter 26 (pp. 870-873): Blake, Hackwood, Copley.
Role of capital market establishment for sustainability
: Write a 1,500-word argumentative essay on Role of Capital Market Establishment for Sustainability. With your partner, identify an issue from the above conversation and relate it in Australian Accounting context.
Describe the business research process
: Develop a 1,150-word research assessment in which you do the following: Describe the business research process followed in the study. Identify the research problem, the research design approach, and research method used
Identify as many participants in the channel as possible
: Map the supply chain of your product as far back as is feasible. - Identify as many participants in the channel as possible by company name and location.
Express the money supply m as a function
: a) Express the money supply M as a function of high- powered money H. b) Would an increase in the reserve ratio or lower the money supply? c) How would an increase in the cash-deposit ratio c affect the money supply?
How revolutionary the american revolution was then
: The United States' Declaration of Independence, written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, is one of the most influential documents in modern history, helping to inspire mass movements and revolutionary upheavals in America and abroad. Analyze the Dec..
Estimate esterlines cost of capital
: Suppose that all three of Esterline's business segments have the same risk. What would be the appropriate discount rate to evaluate a potential project in the Avionics and Controls segment? Explain.
Identify the mode of transportation used
: Identify the mode of transportation used between each stage in the channel?- Identify by name and location the component parts of the product, if any.
Describe your recommended organizational structure
: Choose three or four areas from your SWOT analysis and explain why the areas you have chosen are essential to your strategic plan. Describe your recommended organizational structure
Discuss how they would determine the cause of the variation
: Discuss how you will monitor progress. Discuss what metrics, reports, and graphs you will use to monitor progress. Discuss how they would determine the cause of the variation.