Reference no: EM131191866
In Week One of this course, you were asked to find a child to observe. Using the plan that you created in the second discussion forum this week, you will observe the child using the requirements below and summarize your observation. This can be done in one sitting, or it can be done in two since you will be conducting two different observations. Two is preferable for accuracy of assessment.
For the observation, you will need to:
• Be sure you have the permission of the child's parent or guardian.
• Exclude any identifying information for this child (e.g., last name).
• Follow the guidelines for minimizing bias shared in section 4.1 of the course textbook.
• Familiarize yourself with sections I-1.6 - I-1.11 of the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct regarding assessments.
• Be sure you have the appropriate materials ready:
o You will need either a Running Record Form or an Anecdotal Record Form, whichever you choose. For this form, you will choose one developmental domain to observe (e.g., cognitive, physical, motor, or language).
o You will need either a Time Sampling Form or an Event Sampling Form, whichever you choose. For this form, you will choose one developmental domain to observe (e.g., cognitive, physical, motor, or language).
o Example: Assessing "Bobby," I would first observe his motor development using an Anecdotal Record Form. In a different sitting, I would observe his cognitive development using an Event Sampling Form.
For the assignment, you will need to include:
Content Expectations
• Qualitative Observation: A copy of the completed Running Record Form or Anecdotal Record Form (Remember, this should address one domain).
• Quantitative Observation: A copy of the completed Time Sampling Form or Event Sampling Form. (This should address a different domain).
• Observation Summary: A one- page summary of the observation(s). In this summary, include:
o How you feel the observation went and why.
o How receptive you feel the child was and why you feel that way. (If using one of the video options, state the reaction of the child upon being videotaped as you see it.)
o The most challenging aspect of this observation.
o The most enjoyable aspect of this observation.
o What you learned from this experience.
o What you would change next time.
• Developmentally Appropriate Activities: A one-page discussion providing some developmentally appropriate activities you might implement for this child to foster growth in each of the developmental domains you observed, and why those activities are a good fit for this child. Use at least one scholarly source to support your discussion.
• Ethical Code of Conduct: A paragraph explaining how you upheld sections I-1.6 - I-1.11 of theNAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct while conducting your observations. Make sure to provide specific examples to support your explanation.
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