How quote relates to your life or how quote motivates you

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133671200

Homework: Ice Breaker Rough Draft Outline

The first speech you will conduct in this course is called an Ice Breaker Speech. Chapter 4 in The Art of Public Speaking textbook states that an ice breaker speaker is designed to get students to speaking in front of the class as soon as possible.

An ice breaker speech is designed to get you all accumulated to public speaking. This speech will also serve as an introductory speech as well. To begin searching for the perfect quote, view keepinspiring me website. If you cannot find the right quote on that particular website, feel free to search for other quotes from reputable websites. You select a quote from a religious text, movie, song lyric, speech, magazine, or book. Your quote must not be vulgar, contain sexual overtones and it must be free from profanity. To learn more information and requirements concerning the Ice Breaker speech, view the "How to Guide: Ice Breaker Speech" tab in Module.

For your Ice Breaker Speech Draft Outline, please list the following information in a word document:

A. Your selected quote and the author of the quote. Note that once you select a quote, you must stick with the selected quote.

B. Where did your quote come from (a book, movie, song, public figure, religious text, etc.)?

C. Write a 1 to 2 sentence statement about how this quote relates to your life or how this quote motivates you. This will serve as your thesis statement for your speech (the core of what your speech is about).

D. You MUST give specific personal examples on how the quote relates to your own life. After all, this is an ice-breaker speech, so the main idea is to get to know you in more detail.

E. Be sure to type your name, date and SPH 107- 20733 and Ice Breaker Speech Outline in the upper left-hand corner. Submit your outlines in this homework drop-box.

Here is an example of how to break down your quote and put it in an outline:

Thesis Statement: The lyrics in the song "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor resonates with me because, I had to face hardships that gave me strength much like a tiger, I enjoyed challenges when I am faced with them, and the song inspires me to never give up.

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

Then you are to break it down and explain why these lyrics represent you. For example:

Main Point 1: You can talk about how a tiger is strong and fearless. Maybe you had to overcome something in your life, but you fought hard and had the strength of a tiger.

Main Point 2: It's the thrill of the fight that could represent how you even thrive in that environment, so you enjoy the challenges that you face each day.

Main Point 3: Last but not least, maybe the song inspires you to keep pushing each and every day and never stop or give up much like Rocky.

Reference no: EM133671200

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