How primavera mitigated risk associate with procurement

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13240668 , Length: 1 Page

QUESTION: Thanks for your interesting discussion and your point to "companies can seek the support of primavera, to assist in creating a systematic scheduling and work allotment to the contractors." Could you mind to more develop your thoughts on how Primavera or other professional tools and techniques may be mitigated the risks associated with a procurement, particularly in the Oil and Gas industry? REQUIREMENT: Word count: 350 Reference: Harvard & Minimum of 4 books Deadline: 12 hours from how

Reference no: EM13240668

Questions Cloud

How to describe the locus of the equation : how to describe the locus of the equation x^2+6xy+y^2+z^2=1 in cylindrical polar coordinates?
Form a confidence interval for the difference of proportions : The same survey was mailed to 500 adults aged 25–34 without the gift certificate. There were 65 responses from the first group and 45 from the second group. (a) Perform a two-tailed test comparing the response rates (proportions) at α = .05
What is the mean free path in water at this energy : For 140 keV gamma rays, the mass attenuation coefficients for hydrogen and oxygen are 0.26 and 0.14 cm^2/g, respectively. What is the mean free path in water at this energy
Explain how and why the ferric chloride test : Describe how and why the ferric chloride test can be used to detect whether your reaction has gone to completion.
How primavera mitigated risk associate with procurement : Companies can seek the support of primavera, to assist in creating a systematic scheduling and work allotment to the contractors
Find the current that flows during a pulse : An implanted pacemaker supplies the heart with 72 pulses per minute, each pulse providing 3.0 V for 0.95 ms, Find the current that flows during a pulse
Describe solvents would licl be the least soluble : The following choices list some common laboratory solvents. In which of these solvents would LiCl be the LEAST soluble
Defects in randomly inspected led displays : Two manufacturing facilities produce 1280 × 1024 LED (light-emitting diode) displays. Twelve displays are chosen at random from each lab, and the number of bad pixels is noted for each display.
Why might the sample data not follow a normal : From her firm’s computer telephone log, an executive found that the mean length of 64 telephone calls during July was 4.48 minutes with a standard deviation of 5.87 minutes.


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