How physician deviated from standard of care for physicians

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133245386


1. One definition of standard of care is

2. Select adverse actions 2017 research each type of disciplinary action, think about how the physician deviated from the standard of care for physicians- especially for #4 about incompetence.

Please use only the 2017 list to answer the following questions.

3. a) Read the disciplinary action and write the name of at least one physician charged with sexual misconduct

b) Briefly describe what led to this charge

4. a) Read the disciplinary action and write the name of at least one physician charged with incompetence ( which may not explicitly use that word but say something like engaging in conduct that evidenced a lack of ability or fitness to discharge the duty owed to a patient or the general public,or that evidenced a lack of knowledge to apply principles or skills to carry out his/her medical practice.

b) Briefly describe what led to this charge

5. a) Read the disciplinary actions and the name of at least one physician charged with fraud.

b) Briefly describe what led to charge

6. a) Read the disciplinary action and write the name of at least one physician charged with substance abuse

b) Briefly describe what led to this charge

7. Did you know this information was public knowledge ,and do you think it should be public knowledge? why or why not

8. Were you surprised by your finding about the doctors reported above? if so, explain why.

9. Please go back and read the " Graves consent" What exactly did Stephanie Graves DO that was considered a breach of the 'standard of care ' for her profession?

10. How is that similar to or different from a medical assistant's (or other allied health professional' s) standard of care?

Reference no: EM133245386

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