Reference no: EM133526373
Assignment - Parenting Styles Discussion
We discussed 4 different parenting styles
1. Authoritarian: rules and boundaries, expects obedience based on power (because I said so, because I'm the parent, etc.)
2. Authoritative: rules and boundaries, expects obedience based on reasoning (this is why you can't go out with your friends tonight)
3. Indulgent: lack of rules and boundaries because they want to indulge the child (make the child happy)
4. Neglectful: lack of rules and boundaries because of a lack of supervision
What you need to discuss here:
Think of why certain parents might gravitate to/prefer certain parenting styles. Think of examples on how a parent might change their style depending on the situation or child? If you are a parent, how would you categorize yourself? Or which mixes of styles? If you aren't a parent, which would you prefer if you were a parent? And why?