How our bodies work from repeated exercises

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Reference no: EM132013097

Question: 100 words interactionreply , APA format

Part A: Physiology is an understanding of how our bodies work from repeated exercises over time watching the heart, nerves and other organs inside the body. The study is done as we continue to do things over time and just exactly how our bodies react to it all.

The difference between exercise physiology and sports physiology is while one tends to study the inner part of the body while exercising the Sports Physiology tends to lean more towards the strength of the muscles as well as the how the body does while doing the athletic exercises .

The last was asking us to name 3 energy systems first there is Hypertrophy Strength that with exert force builds muscle and tissue as well as the fiber of the muscle. Then there is Strength Endurance this is for runners where they require to be able to take low resistance for a long period of time. Then you have Aerobic System this is used most likely more then the others it provides energy for low more intense workouts. These workouts can last as short of time as 3 minuets to a few hours.

No matter the outcome your looking for one of these will be able to get you to reach your goals to become active and healthy all in the right way. Any exercise should be done under the direction of a Dr. watching you to make sure your body is doing well with each activity, and not causing harm to your overall health.

Part B: Exercise physiology is the study of how bodily functions and systems change when exposed to short term and long term bouts of exercise. The difference between exercise physiology and sports physiology seems to be that exercise physiology is more about study where sports physiology takes the research found and applies it to athletes to increase their performance. Another difference may be that exercise physiology researchers may be interested in all the physiological changes associated with exercise where sports physiology practitioners may be only interested in research that can improve athletic performance.

An example of studying an acute response would be something like measuring body temperature, or breathing rate while exercise is conducted. Anything that would be measured during a single workout would be an example of acute responses.

The three energy systems Phosphocreatine system, Glycolysis, and Aerobic system all vary in ways but they all serve the same task and that is to supply the body with the energy it needs in the form of ATP. The different systems all have different amounts of ATP they produce, different time periods that they can be sustained for, and different oxygen requirements. In all of these systems glucose is the main fuel source either in a stored form or taken from the blood stream to be converted into ATP.

Works Cited: Karp, J. (2009, Feb 01). The Three Metabolic Energy Systems.

Team, S. E. (2017). What is Physiology? Exercise physiology and Sports physiology.

Reference no: EM132013097

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