How one has performed as compared with ones expectations

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Reference no: EM132728812

Assignment: The purpose of Reflection-in-Action is to reflect upon what one has learned or how one has performed as compared with one's expectations or goals. This assignment will provide an opportunity for students to share their experiences, thoughts, feelings and learning moments from this course.

Self understanding through reflection on life experiences, feelings, etc., is a core concept in Dr. Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring.

The Reflection for this course must address at least three (3) of the following topics:

• Learning moments or activities from this course

• Thoughts on evidence-based practice

• Evidence supporting Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring

• Ethics in research

• Protecting human subjects in quality improvement or evidence-based practice projects

• Understanding or comfort level with statistics in nursing research and other research reports

• Perception of MSN graduates' role in nursing research

• Creating and sustaining an Evidence-Based nursing environment

• Asking compelling, clinical questions

• Lessons learned while conducting evidence-based literature review

Expectations: Length: 3 pages (excluding the title and reference pages). Submissions not meeting the minimum and maximum page requirements will receive a grade of zero.

• Format: Formal paper, APA 7th ed format for body of paper and all citations.

• The purpose of Reflection-in-Action is to reflect upon what one has learned or how one has performed as compared with one's expectations or goals. This assignment will provide an opportunity for students to share their experiences, thoughts, feelings and learning moments from this course.

• The Reflection for this course must address at least three (3) of the following topics.

Reference no: EM132728812

Questions Cloud

Define perception of msn graduates role in nursing research : The purpose of Reflection-in-Action is to reflect upon what one has learned or how one has performed as compared with one's expectations or goals.
What is stakeholder theory : 1). What is stakeholder theory? 2). What theorist is credited with developing stakeholder theory?
Why the aggregate supply curve : Why the aggregate supply curve might be vertical at the full employment level of output. Explain
What is the average time a customer : If you assume that every customer rents at least one video (i.e. has to go to the check-out), what is the average time a customer has to wait in line before
How one has performed as compared with ones expectations : The purpose of Reflection-in-Action is to reflect upon what one has learned or how one has performed as compared with one's expectations or goals.
Different types of flight disruption management : What are two different types of flight disruption management? How are domestic disruptions managed?
Explain unhappy customers complain : Why don't many more unhappy customers complain? What do customers expect the firm to do once they have filed a complaint?
Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario : Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient's
Describe impact of external and internal standards : Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing the process for tracking outcomes and improving quality and safety. Include the following in your paper.


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