How old is the oldest oceanic crust

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Reference no: EM132014882

Question 1 - The average degree of loss is:





Question 2 - The annualized probability of a specific event is:





Question 3 - Deep focus earthquakes (deeper than 600 km) are also called Plutonic Earthquakes



Question 4 - The best description of fracking is:

Pumps waste material underground

Opens fractures using fluid pressure, and fills them with a porous materials

Seals fractures with a non-porous material

Opens fractures using fluid

Question 5 - The different eruption styles of Kilauea and Mt Fuego are primarily due to:

Age of volcano

Magma composition

Elevation above sea level


Question 6 - An order of magnitude estimate suggests fracking does not account for all the energy released by earthquakes in an active fracking area.



Question 7 - All areas with fracking show an increase in earthquake activity.



Question 8 - Approximately how old is the oldest oceanic crust:

170-180 thousand years

400-450 million years

170-180 million years

4.0 to 4.5 billion years

Question 9 - An earthquake requires

A fold

Mechanism for storage and rapid release of energy

A fault

A plate boundary

Question 10 - The different eruption styles of Kilauea and Mt Fuego are a factor of:

Their longitude

Age of volcanoes

Plate tectonic setting

The height of the volcano above the surrounding land

Question 11 - Transform faults are found:

At conservative plate boundaries

Only in stable continental regions

Only within convergent margins

On the moon

Question 12 - The maximum size of an earthquake in a region mostly depends upon:

The type of plate boundary

The length of a fault

The depth of a fault

The magnitude of the relative plate motion

Question 13 - The dominant melting process above mantle plumes is:

Friction between plates

Depression of boiling point by water

Adiabatic melting

Mantle plumes

Question 14 - Following earthquakes in Yellowstone, the temperature of many hot springs changed.



Question 15 - The best time to develop mitigation plans for a volcanic eruption are:

When the first signs of an impending eruption are detected

During non-eruptive times

When the first harmonic tremors are detected

When it is clear where the lava flows are heading

Question 16 - Debris flows (lahars) are a hazard associated with volcanoes, even when they are not erupting



Question 17 - The Yellowstone hotspot

Had no impact on Oregon

Is responsible for the Coast Range

May be associated with a line of volcanoes extending SW from Newberry Crater.

I responsible for the Cascade Volcanoes

Question 18 - Most of the rocks exposed in Oregon are:

Younger than 60 Ma

Older than 60 Ma

Between 40 and 60 Ma in age

All are Cenozoic in age

Question 19 - Much of Oregon is covered with volcanic rocks that are:

Younger than 20 Ma

Older than 60 Ma

Deposited in the last 60,000 years

Older than 200 Ma

Question 20 - The two most important factors in controlling lava composition are:

Time and Temperature

Temperature and Differentiation

Source Rock and Temperature

Source Rock and Differentiation

Question 21 - Pyroclastic flows are a major concern around volcanoes associated with convergent margins



Question 22 - Relative to the amount of tephra from the Mt Mazama eruption, the Rattlesnalke tuff ejected:

The same volume

About 3 times more

About 10 times more

About 10 times less

Question 23 - The dominant melting process at convergent margins is:

Friction between plates

Depression of boiling point by water

Adiabatic melting

Mantle plumes

Question 24 - The powerful relationship between pressure and volume is given by

Hooke's Law

Avogadro's Law

Boyles's Law

Gay-Lussac's Law

Charles's Law

Question 25 - The relationship between pressure and volume is given by:

Boyle's Law

Charles's Law

Gay-Lussac's Law

Avogadro's Law

Question 26 - One effect of magma differentiation is:

Increases rate of plate tectonics

Changes the meting temperature of the mantle

Concentrates 'volatiles' (e.g., 'water') in the magma

Causes the magma to cool faster

Question 27 - The dominant melting process at divergent margins is:

Friction between plates

Depression of boiling point by water

Adiabatic melting

Mantle plumes

Question 28 - The Earth's crust is composed of

About 12 tectonic plates

About 20 major tectonic plates, and about 50 minor plates, and several mircoplates

About 5 major tectonic plates, and about 50 minor plates, and several mircoplates

About 10 major tectonic plates, and about 10 minor plates, and several microplates

Question 29 - At convergent plate margins

We have the moderately large earthquakes and moderately explosive volcanoes

We have the largest earthquakes and most explosive volcanoes

We have the moderately large earthquakes and least explosive volcanoes

We have the largest earthquakes and least explosive volcanoes

Question 30 - The geoid is the gravitational shape of the Earth



Question 31 - The powerful relationship between stress and strain is given by

Charles's Law

Boyles's Law

Gay-Lussac's Law

Avogadro's Law

Hooke's Law

Question 32 - At plate boundaries we create conditions to store and release energy, and conditions that favor melting of the mantle



Question 33 - The deepest earthquakes are about

50-100 km

100-200 km

700-800 km

200-300 km

Question 34 - The radius of Earth's core is:

About 1/10 of the radius of Earth

A little more than 50% of the total radius of Earth

About 80% of the radius of Earth

About 6300 km

Question 35 - Most seismic waves are in which frequency range:

Less than 10 Hz

More than 100 Hz

50-100 Hertz range

10-50 Hertz range

Question 36 - A typical P-wave with an 0.1 second period has:

A wavelength of centimeters and an amplitude of millimeters.

An amplitude of centimeters and a wavelength of hundreds of meters.

An amplitude of a millionth of a meter, and a wavelength of hundreds of meters.

An amplitude of meters and a wavelength of kilometers.

Question 37 - In a flash geothermal energy system:

Geothermal steam is used to directly turn the generators

The same concept as "adiabatic melting" is used to generate steam to turn turbines

Lasers are used to 'flash' the water to the steam, which then turns generators

Hot groundwater is used to boil secondary fluid with a much lower boiling point

Question 38 - The 2012 and 2016 earthquake "swarms" near Timberline Lodge on Mt Hood probably:

Indicate an eruption is imminent

A new volcanic vent is forming near Timberline Lodge

Represent background tectonic (crustal) earthquakes

Magma is rising beneath Timberline lodge

Question 39 - The East African divergent margin produced some lavas that are more like limestone than the basalts produced at other divergent margins.



Question 40 - As pressure increases, the melting point of rock increases.



Question 41 - If I have 2.93 x 105 J or energy stored in 1 km3 of rock, how much energy would I have in 2,000,000,000 m3 of rock?

5.86 x 105 J

5.86 x 1014

5.86 x 105

5.86 x 1014 J

Question 42 - How many orders of magnitude difference are there between the mass of a peanut (3 g) and the mass of Shaq (150 kg)?





Question 43 - What is the approximate volume of material from the 1980 eruption of Mt St. Helens?

1 km3

10 km3

25 km3

50 km3

Question 44 - The area of some Columbia River Basalt flows covers and area about the same as:




Rhode Island

Question 45 - An important aspect in the explosiveness of an eruption is:

The viscosity of a magma

The magma volume

How many crystals a magma has

How far it is from a plate margin

Question 46 - The next Yellowstone hot spot eruption is overdue



Question 47 - For most people, the most often overlooked hazard from earthquakes is:

Contamination from chemical spills

Damage to chimneys

Damage to roads and bridges

Damage to airports

Question 48 - The energy released in an earthquake is best described as:

A distributed source, where the energy radiates from a source with large dimensions.

The energy is in multiple concentrated pockets of energy that all release the energy at the same time.

A concentrated energy sources, where the energy radiated from that point-like source

The energy is released all at the same exact moment over a large area.

Reference no: EM132014882

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