How ohs risk control is measured for carrying out the work

Assignment Help Other Engineering
Reference no: EM131665992

Analog Project Assignment

Choose a project from the list of projects provided to you. Preferably use op-amp LM 741 as you are familiar with the op-amp.

Project Title: "-A narrow band-pass filter using op-amp"

Customer comments:(Using this information: 10 kHz - 20kHz cut off, gain (Av) is 1. Do not use too simple or too difficult circuit. Must finish A-B-C activities, For Activity B I prefer to build the circuit on the breadboard and send the images to me. I prefer to finish Activity A and send the images of the circuit to me first before going on to Activity B and C.)

Activity A - Prepare to find faults -

a) Choose a project from the above list provided.

b) Research on various circuits which can be used to build your project using internet.

c) If possible, design the circuit. If not the full circuit at least a part of it should be designed.

d) Identify the components which can be used in the circuit so as to make it work practically.

e) Create a simulation of the circuit you have chosen using the student addition of P-Spice or Lab-View, and use the P-Spice/Lab-View probes to show the full DC conditions in the circuit, and to show the input and output voltages for the circuit. The simulation should show amplifier gain, distortion, and frequency response. Please include the circuit schematic showing the DC conditions, and the printouts of the gain, distortion and frequency response measurements in the project report and progress reports.

f) List the important procedures of how OHS risk control is measured for carrying out the work as per the OH & S risk analysis document for this project using the document provided below.

Activity B- Practical task

Find faults and repair

a) Get the design approved from your teacher.
b) Justify the use of components and the cost of specified components.
c) Build the circuit for the above electronic control system on a bread board/vero board or a strip board.
d) Find the faults while developing the circuit.
e) Repair the faults while building the circuit.
f) Test the electronic control system for proper operation. Repair any unexpected faults for the circuit and record to documents.
g) Carry out and record the required measurements.
h) Do the required measurements and calculations.
i) Demonstrate the circuit to your teacher.

Activity C- Complete and report fault activities:

Measurements & Calculations

a) Clean the work place/lab space as per the procedure

b) Submit a proper report as per guidelines provided below.

Report Writing

c) Please submit a written report on your project.

Guidelines for report submission are mentioned in the project document.

• A blue assignment cover-sheet which is signed by yourself for declaring that your assignment has no plagiarism.

• Introduction of the circuits' principle of operations

• Circuit diagrams

• Preliminary calculations (including various versions showing the track-records of your design calculations)

• All your measured results in tabulated form. In the table of your results you should also include the percentages of comparison between the calculated values and measured values for different items of concerns. Document the work completion.

• Discussions and conclusion (expected to be typed with at least a page of about 200 words). In the discussion, include justification for solutions used to troubleshooting problems.

• The output displays showing voltage gain, distortion (as a function of output signal level) and frequency response for the circuit.

• Manuscript data from your laboratory measurements, showing DC measurements, detailed drawings to scale of CRO outputs, and a careful plot of frequency response.

• Include a discussion of the measured results compared with the calculated and simulated results. Please mention if there are any inconsistencies between the calculated, simulated and measured results, and if you believe the exercise can be improved.

• Include any graphs in your report.

• Required data sheets

• Bibliography and reference websites are required.

• Make sure you keep your own original documents, and submit only a copy for your report.

OH & S Risk Assessment Document- Analog Project

Risk Identification /Task



Equipment Used
Power Supply
Are you using AC or Dc Power Supply ?
Has the power supply been connected properly to the mains?
The power supply leads are connected to the correct sockets?
What is the maximum voltage you will be required to use?
Any other Safety issues when using Power Supply?





Printed Circuit Board
What is the maximum voltage you will be required to use?
Any other Safety issues when using Printed Circuit Board?





Soldering/High Temperature
When using soldering iron:
Handling it with the correct technique?
Correct temperature being used?
Correct amount of solder being used?
Is there a risk of fire?
Can anyone suffer ill health due to exposure to high or low temperatures?



When testing the circuit, Is there water near/ on the circuit board?
Damaged electrical switches?
Damaged cords/leads?
Any other factors?



Is the surface slippery?
Poor housekeeping?
Lack of proper work platform?
Obstacles being placed on the work platform?



Reference no: EM131665992

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