How often should subnational governments be able to say no

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133704522


  1. In regard to the division of power, what does New York State allow or prohibit that varies from what the federal government allows or prohibits?
  2. How much power should a federal government have to compel subnational governments to do things? How often should subnational governments be able to say "no"?
  3. What political culture best describes the way you feel about politics and government?
  4. What influences have shaped your beliefs about politics and government?

Reference no: EM133704522

Questions Cloud

What role does worldview play in creation of public policy : What role does religion, morality, and worldview play in the creation of public policy?
What are your views about bureaucracy : Have you ever had a positive (or negative) experience with a bureaucratic agency that you now better understand having studied.
Articles of confederation and the constitution : Find specific passages with examples of collective action problems facing those seeking government protection of their civil rights.
What is plumers concern about a tie in the electoral college : What is Plumer's concern about a tie in the Electoral College? Why does he think this would be a bad outcome?
How often should subnational governments be able to say no : How much power should a federal government have to compel subnational governments to do things? How often should subnational governments be able to say "no"?
Create power-sharing institutions such as a political party : If the goal for any non-democratic leader is to attain power, then why do so many create power-sharing institutions, such as a political party?
What are webers three forms of legitimacy : What are Weber's three forms of (political) legitimacy? Why do non-democratic regimes want legitimacy, and how do they foster it?
How do the few holdouts ensure their survival : Why have they been replaced with other forms of regime (democratic and otherwise), and how do the few holdouts ensure their survival?
Why do so many create power-sharing institutions : If the goal for any non-democratic leader is to attain power, then why do so many create power-sharing institutions, such as a political party?


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