How often do you visit restaurants

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131179243


Alibek Iskakov has opened a small café named Oasis in Kokshetau, a city in Kazakhstan. In order to get primary data on the market for his café, he conducted a survey of 100 people-45 men and 55 women. Forty-eight respondents were between 18 and 24 years old, 38 were between 25 and 50 years old, and 14 were over 50 years old. The survey asked the following

1. How often do you visit restaurants?

2. What is your favorite restaurant in Kokshetau? Why?

3. What is the most important factor for you in choosing a restaurant?

4. Would a small, neat café with traditional food appeal to you? a. (If no) Why not? b. (If yes) When would you patronize it?

5. How much are you willing to pay for dinner?

1 What are the strengths and weaknesses of the sample used in this survey?

2 Evaluate the questions used in the survey.

Reference no: EM131179243

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