How often do you communicate in slang

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133429482

Questions: use the RACE strategy to answer the following.

  1. How often do you communicate in slang? How powerful is this form of communication?
  2. Have a ever browsed through the dictionary beyond just look up a definition? Do you think looking up terms/words you do not know has been be an effective way of increasing your vocabulary? Why or why not?
  3. What was the relationship between the Malcolm X's new-found interest in words and his appetite for reading?
  4. Why does reading make Malcolm X "truly free" even though he is still in prison?
  5. Do you think prisons actually rehabilitate their inmates? Why or why not?
  6. This essay was written in 1965. Do you think the his "conclusions" about the lack of black history in textbooks is still true today?
  7. What is Malcolm X's argument or position about the relationship between the recessive nature of the white gene and the origin of life?
  8. Have you ever read the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin? What is the topic of the novel? Why was this novel so interesting to Malcolm X?
  9. With what "criminal conquests" does the author charge white men?
  10. According to Malcolm X, how were the white powers of Europe "cannibalistic"?
  11. Do you think "a new world order [is] being shaped along color lines"? Discuss or Explain or answer.
  12. What "new vistas" did reading open for Malcolm X? What vistas has reading opened for you?
  13. Why does Malcolm X think he got a lot out of going to prison?
  14. Why did Malcolm X start to educate himself?
  15. What does Malcolm X mean by the phrase "homemade education" (paragraph 1)?
  16. In what ways is the dictionary like an encyclopedia? What did Malcolm X learn from copying the dictionary pages?
  17. Name three details that Malcolm X learned about "slavery's total horror" (paragraph 26).
  18. What does Malcolm X mean when he says "Four hundred years of black blood and sweat invested here in America, and the white man still has the black man begging for what every immigrant fresh off the ship takes for granted the minute he walks down the gangplank" (paragraph 43)?
  19. Paragraphs 6, 7 and 8 are examples of which part of SQ4R?
  20. Why do you think debating was so popular in prison?
  21. How does Malcolm X characterize the relationship between whites and non-whites in his reading? What is the main conflict according to the author?
  22. Malcolm X starts this essay with a one-sentence paragraph. What effect does this beginning have on you?
  23. What did Malcolm X mean when he said his "alma mater was books"?
  24. Malcolm X names actual books that he read and explains what impression they made on him. Is this an effective way to document his understanding of history? What do all these examples demonstrate? What other way could the author have explained his experience? Would this have been more or less effective than giving examples from his reading?
  25. What was Malcolm X's purpose in writing this essay?

Reference no: EM133429482

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