How often do reports need to be submitted to the funders

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133514373

Homework: Grant Reporting Plan

Your hard work on the application paid off and you have received a grant for the tutoring program! The program is off to a great start and now you will need to begin the reporting.

Grants involve reports and every grant has its own unique reporting requirements. This allows the funders to see how the money is being spent throughout the life of the program and ensures you are using the same measures you outlined in your application.

For this homework, you will need to create a grant reporting plan.

Choose one of the funders you identified in the first homework and look for as many specifics as you can find around reporting requirements for that grant. Then, create a document that contains the following information:

Question 1. How often do reports need to be submitted to the funders?

Question 2. In what format do the funders want the reports?

Question 3. Where should the reports be sent?

Question 4. Who should be contacted if the organization encounters problems during the course of the program?

Question 5. What tools (if any) will you use to track process and create reports? Explain.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this homework is:

1. Determine the reports that are required after securing a grant.

Reference no: EM133514373

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