How numerous atoms does each hand contain

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM134626


A 67.0 {kg} person holds out his arms so that his hands are 1.70 {m} apart. Normally, a person's hand makes up about 1.00 percent of his or her body weight. For round numbers, we shall assume that all weight of each hand is due to the calcium in the bones, and we shall treat the hands as point charges. One mole of {Ca} contains 40.18 {g}, and each atom has 20 protons and 20 electrons. Assume that only 1.00 percent of the positive charges in each hand were unbalanced by negative charge. How numerous {Ca} atoms does each hand contain? How many coulombs of unbalanced charge does each hand contain? What force would person's arms have to exert on his hands to prevent them from flying off?

Reference no: EM134626

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