How new technologies can help to solve these tricky issues

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133335274


Answer the following questions:

1) Traditionally supply chain management was considered as a back-office function. In the future it will be more about delivering a great customer experience. How will the supply chain of the future be able to deliver exactly what the customer wants, to a location they choose and at a time that meets their needs?

2) As a result of Covid-19, Global Supply Chains have come under serious pressure to continue to deliver. How will tools such as 'predictive analysis' and 'artificial intelligence' help supply chain professionals better manage risk in the future?

3) With greater emphasis being placed on 're-use' and 'recycle', how will future supply chains manage the need to incorporate 'reverse flows' and 'circular logistics'?

4) There are many challenges facing supply chain management. Two of the most difficult to resolve are 'last mile delivery' and 'product returns'. Describe how new technologies can help to solve these tricky issues.

Reference no: EM133335274

Questions Cloud

Basic components common to every change control process : Described one of the "eight basic components common to every change control process" (Verzuh, 2016, p. 367) Provided ONLY TWO points referencing Verzuh.
What should sita do and what are her responsibilities : What should Sita do? What are her responsibilities? If it was the supervisor that caught Tomas and Ahmed what should the supervisor have done? Why?
Defining commercial equivalents into two separate stages : Why is it preferable to separate need identification and specification or defining commercial equivalents into two separate stages?
How new technologies can help to solve these tricky issues : Two of the most difficult to resolve are 'last mile delivery' and 'product returns'. Describe how new technologies can help to solve these tricky issues.
How would you plan your presentation : If you are planning for a negotiation presentation with an investor and you know that the individual is a Director (or Directive) personality-communication
How sampling process to improve overall quality process : Based on the situation you described, if you were the Quality Manager, how would you augment the sampling process to improve the overall quality process?
What is a target loss ratio define this term : What is a Target Loss Ratio (TLR)? Define this term and then use an example to explain.
Do unions provide a solid platform of support : Do unions provide a solid platform of support? Explain with evidence from the readings-DO NOT USE THE INTERNET. SCHOOL ACADEMIC POLICY IS IN EFFECT.


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