How much work does a supermarket checkout attendant do

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM133257342

Assignment - Physics Equations Questions

1. How much work does a supermarket checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.600 m horizontally with a force of 5.00 N?

2. A 75.0-kg person climbs stairs, gaining 2.50 m in height. Find the work done to accomplish this task.

3. A constant 20-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 5.0 m. What is the work done by the force?

4. A toy cart is pulled a distance of 6.0 m in a straight line across the floor. The force pulling the cart has a magnitude of 20 N and is directed at 37°37° above the horizontal. What is the work done by this force?

5. How much work is done against the gravitational force on a 5.0-kg briefcase when it is carried from the ground floor to the roof of the Empire State Building, a vertical climb of 380 m?

6. It takes 500 J of work to compress a spring 10 cm. What is the force constant of the spring?

7. A 5.0-kg body has three times the kinetic energy of an 8.0-kg body. Calculate the ratio of the speeds of these bodies.

8. An 8.0-g bullet has a speed of 800 m/s. (a) What is its kinetic energy? (b) What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?

9. A constant 10-N horizontal force is applied to a 20-kg cart at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 8.0 m?

10. In the preceding problem, the 10-N force is applied at an angle of 45°45° below the horizontal. What is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 8.0 m?

Reference no: EM133257342

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