How much was the triangle shirtwaist factory making a year

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133733886


  1. On March 25, 1911 the fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory in Manhattan claimed the lives of how many women?
  2. In 1902 Max Blank and Isaac Harris leased the 9th floor of what building to start the Triangle Shirtwaist factory?
  3. What was the garment called that was long sleeved with a high neck and a plain button up front and was tucked into a long skirt?
  4. Charles Gibson made the article of clothing the signature for his famous what?
  5. How old was Pauline Newman when she started at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory?
  6. How much did Pauline Newman make per week at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory?
  7. By 1908 how much was the Triangle Shirtwaist factory making a year?
  8. What kind of strike was it called when there was a single flare up between factory workers and the owners?
  9. What was it called when Union members joined together to get better wages, hours and working conditions?
  10. Samuel Gomper will start what, which was having a Union for a Union?
  11. What was the local Union called for the Triangle Shirtwaist factory workers in Manhattan?
  12. Who did the owners of the shirtwaist factories turn to for help with the strikes?
  13. What was the occupation of the women who escorted the scab workers to the Ash building to replace the striking workers?
  14. What group would help the striking women of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory in fighting for their rights?
  15. Who was the 27 year old Polish firebrand who would help these women in a successful strike for underwear makers?

Reference no: EM133733886

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