How much time is necessary to catch the car

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM133778


A boat crosses a river of width 171 m in which the current has a uniform speed of 1.51 m/s. The pilot maintains a bearing (such as the direction in which the boat points) perpendicular to the river and a throttle setting to give a constant speed of 2.59 m/s relative to the water.

How far downstream from the initial position is the boat when it reaches the opposite shore? Answer in units of m


A race driver makes a pit stop to refuel. After refueling, he leaves pit area with an acceleration of 6 m/s and after 4 s he enters the key speedway. At the same instant he enters the speedway, another race-car that is on the speedway and travelling with a constant speed of 70 m/s overtakes and passes entering car. If entering car maintains its acceleration, how much time is necessary for it to catch the other car?

Reference no: EM133778

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