How much time a head a thunderstorm can be predicted

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Reference no: EM131060996

Chapter 11. Oklahoma's deadliest tornadoes

Review questions from the video

1. Name of the city and the state hit by the tornado?

2. What was the state hit by a similar tornado on 2011

3. What is the purpose of gathering tornado data?

4. Can the scientist know the exact area where the tornado will occur?

5. What were the two features showed by the radar previous to the tornado?

6. What time was the tornado on the ground and moving into city and what was the wind speed?

7. How long will be the tornado on the ground?

8. What is the wind speed at the core?

9. How many houses were destroyed?

10. Can a tornado be forecasted before a storm forms?

11. Does all thunderstorms produce tornados?

12. How much time a head a thunderstorm can be predicted?

13. What are the three instruments that are used to predict thunderstorms?

14. What are the two variables that a Doppler radar can provide?

15. What is the leave time?

16. How much time has the school to be evacuated?

17. What are the things weather people can learn after a tornado has passed?

18. What is the feature that radar data shows that gives the idea that the tornado is going to happen?

19. What is the location of tornado alley?

20. What are the variables that does that region so dangerous?

21. Why was 2012 a quite tornado season?

22. How many tornados were seen on 2002?

23. What is the role of the jet stream on tornado formation?

24. What is the difference in damage between an EF2 and EF3 tornado in terms of damage?

25. How much of a house is standing after an EF5 tornado?

26. What is the equivalent on boom damage of an EF5?

27. How much time ahead can a tornado be forecasted now compared with the 1950s?

28. What is the main question to forecast a tornado after a thunderstorm forms?

29. What is the role of the updraft in the creation of a tornado? Constrains the rotation, make it faster

30. Does people know the mechanism of updraft and tornado rotation formation?

31. What is dual polarization radar DPR?

32. What was the first year when DPR was used

33. What are better on standing a tornado, heavy or light houses?

34. Can a house be designed to stand a tornado? Why they are not built?

35. What is the primary and secondary season for tornado?

36. a famous tornado chaser was killed by a tornado very recently, what was his name and when did it happen?

Chapter 12. Sandy the Mega-storm

Questions from the video

1. How many tropical storms in the Caribbean become hurricanes?How many strikes the east coast of the USA

2. What is a hurricane and what are the temperature conditions it needs to develop?

3. Where is the energy of the hurricane coming from?

4. What was the first agency in predicting the path of the hurricane and how many days ahead it came

5. What is the meaning of NOAA

6. What is the name of the high pressure system that modifies hurricanes in the Caribbean

7. What is the name of the oceanic current that feeds hurricanes in the eastern coast of the USA

8. 12. What is a northeastern and what was its role in hurricane sandy development

9. 14. What was the role of hurricane Irene 2011 in the evacuation of New York on 2012?

10. 15. Explain why sandy was two storms on one

11. 16. Explain the role of the jet stream in the development of Sandy

12. Why the time in which Sandy hits New York was the worst possible

13. What was the sea level at the beginning of the storm surge

14. What is the elevation above sea level of lower Manhattan

15. What happens in Queens at mid afternoon

16. What is the name of the neighborhood where firefighters did shelter in placebut was submerged by water

17. What was the accident of geography that concentrates sea waves? What was its effect

18. What was the cause of the black out in lower Manhattan

19. What was the role of tweeter during the emergency?

20. What was the cause of the fire

21. List three cities in addition to New York discussed by the video

22. How many subway tunnels where flooded, how many bus garages were under water

23. What was the climatic event that made Sandy an unusual storm?

24. What is the role of rising temperatures in the artic?

25. Do we know for sure the effect of global climate in hurricanes?

26. How much sea level average can increase in the future?

Reference no: EM131060996

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