Reference no: EM132924726
Case One
An original equipment manufacturer (OEM) employs 347 workers. The plan operates on three shifts, and its various lines include large punch process, conveyors, paint-spray booths, overhead cranes, and forging. The plant has never been thoroughly analyzed for hazard. Recently, a worker has been seriously injured following an accident at the forging area. A container of nearly red-hot, upper-control-arm forgings was overturned. The hot forgings fell on a worker who was helping the drop-forge-machine operator. The man suffered third degree burns over 24 percent of his body, and while he is expected to recover, he will lose most of his right arm, his right ear, and sight in his right eye.
Further information has been provided for the purpose of WSIB benefits claim:
--The worker is 51 years old
--His average take home money is $54,756 annually
--His impairment has been assessed to be 24% by medical authority.
As the plant manager, you are responsible for ensuring the safety of your employees. You need to describe and explain the following to the top management of the company.
1. Analyze the situation and recommend the types of WSIB benefits the injured worker will be entitled to. Justify your answers.
2. For each type of the WSIB benefits identified in Question 2, explain the following:
a. How long the injured worker will receive the above-mentioned benefits. Provide explanation for each type of benefits.
b. How much the injured employee will receive from that benefit plan. Explain it and show your calculations steps-by-step (The calculation for NEL must be included)
3. Explain the way how company can file this accident and help the injured worker claim those benefits.