How much substantive testing is performed

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13343572

Question 1

An assurance engagement involves evaluation or measurement of subject matter against criteria. Discuss the criteria used in a financial report audit? Discuss and critically evaluate the challenges auditors face in providing and audit opinion on a company's environmental performance.  

Question 2

The final decision in the Centro Case was handed down in the Federal Court on 27 June 2011. PWC had admitted it had erred and agreed to pay around $66 million of the $200m settlement. Had the legal case against PWC proceeded to court, on what basis might PWC have been found guilty? What are the implications from the Centro case for auditors practice in the future? 

Question 3

Explain how the nature of a substantive test could affect the decisions about when and how much substantive testing is performed?

How do these decisions relate to the overall risk assessment for the item being tested?

Reference no: EM13343572

Questions Cloud

Determine the minimum elevation difference across channel : A 3-ft-diameter semicircular channel made of unfinished concrete is to transport water to a distance of 1-m uniformly. determine the minimum elevation difference across the channel
How much will each class of investors receive : If the firm goes bankrupt and liquidates, how much will each class of investors receive if a total of $3 million is received from sale of the assets?
Calculate the total resistance of the wire : The magnetic flux through one turn of a 54-turn coil of wire is reduced from 40.3 Wb to 5.6 Wb in 0.10 s. Find the total resistance of the wire
What is the incremental profit : To get a rough idea of the project's profitability, what is the project's expected rate of return for the next year (defined as the incremental profit divided by the investment)? Round your answer to two decimal places.
How much substantive testing is performed : Explain how the nature of a substantive test could affect the decisions about when and how much substantive testing is performed and how do these decisions relate to the overall risk assessment for the item being tested?
Would the firms break-even point increase or decrease : Construct the pro forma balance sheet while assuming that reorganization takes place. Show the new preferred at its par value. Enter your answers in millions. For example, an answer of $1.2 million should be entered as 1.2, not 1,200,000. Round yo..
Classify the oxidizing and reducing agents : Identify the oxidizing and reducing agents for this equation. 2HNO3 (aq)+ 2S (s) + H20 (l) --> 2H2SO3(aq)+ 2N20(g)
Calculate the area of one turn : A square coil of wire with 18 turns is in a magnetic field of 0.46 T. The total flux through the coil is 0.62 T·m2. Find the area of one turn if the field is perpendicular to the plane of the coil
Find the mass of the neutron : Because the neutron has no charge, its mass must be found in some way other than by using a mass spectrometer. Find the mass of the neutron from these data


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