How much should we value trust in our interactions

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132273866 , Length: word count:550

Question A
"Negotiation is not a policy. It's a technique. It's something you use when it's to your advantage, and something you don't use when it's not to your advantage." John Bolton

Respond to this quotation. Give a publicized example that supports or rejects the idea stated.

Question B
Organizations have been thought of as 1. Objective places wherein owners exploit workers, to 2. Subjective places wherein workers express themselves as individuals, to 3. Places wherein critiques can be made of inequalities in the world, i.e. women still make less than men for the same job, some employers are "better'" than others, etc.

Furthermore, when working within an organization, we have choices every day related to our responses to superiors and subordinates. Does the workplace constrain us in our lives or is it a place where we can exercise our freedoms to express ourselves? In other words should a workplace allow us to be creative humans or is it simply a place to earn a paycheck and then give us free time to live our lives in the off hours? As we advance in our careers are we simply looking for the workplace that fulfills us?

Question C
Fisher and Ury say that effective negotiation requires that objective criteria be used to settle different interests. The goal in negotiation is to reach a solution that is based on principle and not on pressure. Conflict parties need to search for objective criteria that will help them view their conflict with an unbiased lens. Objective criteria can take many forms including
- precedent, which looks at how this issue has been resolved previously;
- professional standards, which determine if there are rules or standards for behavior based on a profession or trade involved in the conflict;
- what a court would decide, which looks at the legal precedent or legal ramifications of the conflict;
- moral standards, which consider resolving the conflict based on ethical considerations or "doing what's right"
- tradition, which looks at already established practices or customs in considering the conflict; and
- scientific judgment, which considers facts and evidence

BATNA stands for "best alternative to a negotiated agreement." BATNAs are critical to negotiation because you cannot make a wise decision about whether to accept a negotiated agreement unless you know what your alternatives are. Your BATNA "is the only standard which can protect you both from accepting terms that are too unfavorable and from rejecting terms it would be in your interest to accept." In the simplest terms, if the proposed agreement is better than your BATNA, then you should accept it. If the agreement is not better than your BATNA, then you should reopen negotiations. If you cannot improve the agreement, then you should at least consider withdrawing from the negotiations and pursuing your alternative (though the costs of doing that must be considered as well).

1. Given the current conflict over nuclear weapons especially with North Korea and Iran - what should policies be for the United States and how can we negotiate those policies with foreign powers?Suggest negotiation points and possible BATNA's for the parties involved. (You may pick some other global conflict such as terrorism or simply USA global policies related to ecological disasters.)

2. Everyday negotiation requires us to always be alert to the interactions around us and the verbal and nonverbal communication that is taking place. Whether we are talking with family, friends, neighbors, clerks, adults, children, co-workers, etc., there is always going to be a need to "rise to the occasion" and engage with others. What should be the role of emotion, logic, or knowledge in our daily negotiations? Is it okay to lie as a BATNA? In other words how much should we value trust in our interactions?

3. Give an example of a negotiation that you are knowledgeable regarding; discuss the key players and their characteristics, the major turning points in the negotiation, and the (potential) outcome. Suggest negotiation points and possible BATNA's for the parties involved. This may be a negotiation that has been completed or one that is in process.

Question D
"If we cannot end our differences, at least we can make the world safe for diversity." John F. Kennedy

Given our discussion of the various generations, is there validity in comparing the behavior and habits that one generation may have compared to another in the work place? How much adaptation should be made for those who represent differences, to maximize their potential? For example, are the work habits of Baby Boomers (those that still work!) superior to the work habits of Gen X or Millennials? Or vice versa? In what way are the habits inferior or superior? What does your generation offer to future generations such as "Generation Alpha" (those born 2011 on)?

Reference no: EM132273866

Questions Cloud

What are the pros and cons of communism : Do you think that the five remaining communist countries will be able to sustain communism or will the ideology of communism eventually die out?
Influencers or decision-makers : Audiences that are also of interest but perhaps not as important. Influencers or decision-makers?
Should the federal government lower the minimum legal : Connection, Transitions and Topic Sentences: In any extended writing, you need to write clearly "themed" paragraphs, and transition between sections.
Identify drivers based on personality and past actions : You can probably identify drivers based on personality and past actions. Based on the driving motivators of your workers,
How much should we value trust in our interactions : COM 665 EXAM - what a court would decide, which looks at the legal precedent or legal ramifications of the conflict - moral standards, which consider resolving
Mentoring and leading across multiple cultures : "Power with skills includes communicating, negotiating, team building, mentoring and leading across multiple cultures"
Do you think the current congress is governing effectively : Do you think the current Congress is governing effectively? Why or why not? Try to use specific examples in your posts. 200-250 words.
Communication determines whether message was understood : Which of the following components of communication determines whether a message was understood?
How has this shaped your thinking about other religious : Review the discussion on the concept of service and leadership in four religious traditions.



4/3/2019 3:23:12 AM

Essay Style: Remember an essay has an introduction, body, and conclusion. Also, your own voice is important. Examples are the support for your major points. Typically, an essay states a thematic, supports or rejects it and goes on to restate a more relevant thematic. Your answers should be approximately two pages for each question. Exam is due by Midnight Wednesday, 03 (100 points/20%) Submit as an email attachment to *********** Answer twoof the following questions (equal weight) You must answer Question C!

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