Reference no: EM133655809 , Length: 1 Pages
The legislative proposal:
The bill and memo: Read A.3252 of 2023, The Billionaire Mark-to-Market Tax Act, and the accompanying bill memo. Bill memos are not always faithful to the bill so be sure to read the bill carefully. This will be rough going for this bill, but the bill is short. If you have trouble understanding the bill, look for resources (e.g., articles or reports) that will help you understand the bill.
(Assemblymember Kelles. "A.3252, The Billionaire Mark-to-Market Tax Act," February 2, 2023.
Responses to questions: Prepare an informal written response of no more than 1 page for each of the following questions - a set of bullets is fine. Be prepared to discuss in a group or with the full class:
o How much revenue does the bill sponsor believe the bill would raise, and when? How did they prepare their fiscal estimate? Are there risks to this? Has this been evaluated by others? Give your sources and evaluate their quality.
o Put yourself in the shoes of the sponsor. Assume you have the same goals. In light of what you've learned from your research on the issues and the bill, what changes, if any, might you make to the proposed legislation? Support your views with specific facts and arguments, cite your sources, and evaluate your sources.