Reference no: EM133267558
Assignment - Love and Ethics Essay
Description - Choose one of the following options to explore for this full-class discussion, using the guiding questions as jumping-off points for your own analysis and reflection on how ethical principles and theories apply to your everyday life. Your initial post is due by Wednesday and should be approximately 450 words.
Ethics and the Internet: How much of your life (both professional and private) is spent online today and how much will it be tomorrow? Technology is evolving rapidly, and with it come new ethical dilemmas. What new ethical decisions must be made to live in the digital world with others, and how might these change again in the future with shifts toward virtual reality and artificial intelligence? In what ways has the Internet and all that comes with it (including the changes in our relationships with one another) made us more ethical, and in what ways has it compromised and challenged our integrity and values? What do we owe to strangers, friends, and loved ones online, and what do they owe to us?
The Ethical Employee: We spend approximately 80,000 hours of our lives at work. Are those hours spent with an ethical purpose? Are we "doing good" with our work? Research the ethical guidelines and principles of the career field you would like to go into or stay in after finishing your degree. Is there a code of ethics that all professionals respect or agree to in this field? What motivates employees in this field to behave ethically-is it intrinsic or extrinsic? What ethical gray areas exist in this field? Where do you see room for improvement? What do we owe to those we interact with at work and what do we owe to our professional selves?
Love and Ethics: Love is the strongest emotion there is, and it often motivates our personal decisions-our hopes, desires, dreams, and what and who we are willing to stand up for. How does the love of another (family members, friends, an animal, or however else you want to define it) intersect with ethical decision-making? In what ways does love change or strengthen your ethical values? In what ways does it have the potential to compromise your ethical decision-making? What do we owe to those we love and what do they owe to us
Consider any relevant lessons you have learned from the capstone readings or your discussions with teammates in the Building a Better World project that impact your thinking on these topics.