How much of his additional earnings will be taxed

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133099931

Answer the following questions. Show your solutions.

1. Mr. Marvin is a government employee and was given 10 days of vacation leave credits and 10 days sick leave credits. He used 3 days of sick leave credits and 5 days of vacation leave. How much will be his additional earnings and how much of it will be taxed if his daily rate is 650.

2. Mr. Rafanan is a public employee and received a benefit of 14,567.80 because of his excellent performance of one year. Given the formula below:

Performance benefit + 13th month pay + other benefits > P25,000 are taxable.

Suppose his 13th month pay is 23,980.50 and he has no other benefits, how much of his additional earnings will be taxed?

Reference no: EM133099931

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