How much money will be invested in stock x and stock y

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13334503

You have $30,000 to invest in a stock portfolio. Your choices are Stock X with an expected return of 11 percent and Stock Y with an expected return of 9.0 percent. If your goal is to create a portfolio with an expected return of 10.42 percent, how much money will you invest in Stock X and Stock Y?

Reference no: EM13334503

Questions Cloud

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How much money will be invested in stock x and stock y : Your choices are Stock X with an expected return of 11 percent and Stock Y with an expected return of 9.0 percent. If your goal is to create a portfolio with an expected return of 10.42 percent
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Determine the current yield on a corporate bond investment : Determine the current yield on a corporate bond investment that has the face value of 7,000, pays 12 percent interest, and has a current price of 68.30.
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