How much milk should be purchased

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131889898

Question: Supermarket sells, 2% milk, which is delivered daily. The daily demand is uniformly distributed between 100 and 200 gallons. The milk costs the store $1 and sells for $2.1. at the end of the day unsold milk is sold to a chemical company for $0.25 per gallon. If a shortage occurs customers will buy skim milk instead. Profit on skim is $0.50 per gallon. How much milk should be purchased?

Reference no: EM131889898

Questions Cloud

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What are the payoffs of the call option : What are the ending values of the stock price? What are the payoffs of the call option?
How much milk should be purchased : Supermarket sells, 2% milk, which is delivered daily. The daily demand is uniformly distributed between 100 and 200 gallons.
How the trend will affect managed care : Summarize at least one (1) managed care trend (i.e., evolving mixed models, managed Medicaid, managed Medicare) and appraise how this trend will affect managed.
What are the pros and cons of your plan : As a supervisor, you have been advised that one of your female employees whose job requires heavy lifting is pregnant and will be taking maternity leave.
What are the advantages of working with US suppliers : Super Sized Cycles specializes in making larger bicycles for overweight riders. Thanks to Internet sales, the company has increased sales every year.
What is the global optimization : In supply chain management, when always emphasize the global optimization, i.e. the policy should be designed so the profit of the whole supply chain should be.


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