Reference no: EM131383015
Macroeconomics Assignment
1. Revised estimates of Canadian GDP are usually released by Statistics Canada near the end of each month. Find a newspaper article that reports on the most recent release, or read the news release yourself at, the website of Statistics Canada. Discuss not in more than 500 words the recent changes in real and nominal GDP and in the components of GDP.
2. Go to Look for the GDP data of Kingston from 2005-2009. Write a brief note on the facts and rate of change of GDP* of Kingston. Also, compare the rate of change of GDP* of one more area (Toronto, Calgary, Quebec) of your choice. *Rate of Change of GDP= (GDP of Current Year-GDP of Previous year)/GDP of Previous Year
3. Go to Look for the Labour Force data by Industry for Kingston.How much is the Kingston Labour Force? Find the top five industries hiring lar gest labour force. Also find the same details for Ottawa or Toronto. Describe the difference.
N.B.: For further understanding, feel free to use the Internet and college Library on demand videos, journals, newspapers and monthly magazines.
What is observational study
: What is observational study? How to conduct an Observation Study? Do you have any experiences to share?
Entries in this threaded discussion
: After completing the EQ Appraisal and studying your results report, refer to the discussion questions on pages 247 -250 in the EQ 2.0 book. Consider these as the basis for your entries in this Threaded Discussion.
Calculate the cutoff frequency for the dominant mode
: RG-52/U waveguide is rectangular with an inner cross-section of 22.86 by 10.16 mm. Calculate the cutoff frequency for the dominant mode and the range of frequencies for which single-mode propagation is possible
What is the current yield
: The 9.98 percent, $1,000 face value bonds of Tim McKnight, Inc., are currently selling at $1,053.3. What is the current yield?
How much is the kingston labour force
: How much is the Kingston Labour Force? Find the top five industries hiring lar gest labour force. Also find the same details for Ottawa or Toronto. Describe the difference.
What suggestions would you offer to enhance motivation
: Consider an organization you know well as an example, has this or a similar way to motivate its employees been utilized? If not, would this way to motivate have worked? What suggestions would you offer to enhance motivation in workers
Calculate the coupling to each output port
: A signal with a power of 10 mW enters port 1 of a directional coupler. The output power is 7 mW at port 2 and 100 µW at port 3. Calculate the coupling to each output port and the insertion loss for the device.
Radio frequency identification
: With new technologies being invented daily, it is critical to continuously learn and understand how these technologies can affect a company or a person.
Discuss about the post given below
: Imagine that you are a manager in an organization, and your employees are not achieving stated goals. Suggest key strategies that you would use in order to determine and then communicate the goals for your department to your employees. Research a..