Reference no: EM132197168
Questions -
Q1. Which of the following items would require a lessor to classify a lease as an operating lease?
A) The lease contains a bargain purchase option.
B) Ownership of the property is transferred to the lessee during the lease term.
C) The lease term is 80% of the estimated economic life of the leased property.
D) The collectability of the minimum lease payments is highly uncertain.
Q2. Triple Tango Track leases exercise equipment to its customers under direct-financing leases. Typically the equipment has no residual value at the end of the leases and the contracts call for payments at the beginning of each year. Triple Tango Track's target rate of return is 10%. On a five year-lease of equipment with a fair value of $485,100, how much interest revenue will Triple Tango Track earn over the life of the lease?
A) $96,575
B) $114,900
C) $121,275
D) $194,400
Q3. In the computation of pension expense, which of the following components is likely to be negative (i.e., to reduce pension expense)?
A) Service cost
B) Interest cost
C) Amortization of past service cost
D) Amortization of net asset gain
Q4. Which of the following is not a component of pension expense?
A) Amount funded
B) Service cost
C) Expected return on plan assets
D) Interest cost
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